DistroAV - Network Audio/Video in OBS-Studio using NDI® technology

DistroAV - Network Audio/Video in OBS-Studio using NDI® technology 6.0.0

I was streaming with same settings for a year, then my 2nd PC broke and yesterday i fixed it, when i launch NDI scan converter ping increase to 300, when i turn it off it go back to normal, anyone have same problem? I was contacting my internet provider and thinking its beucase of them but today i figured out its caused by NDI, video proof down there..

i have tried for the past hour to make this work, but every time that i try the program does not show up in my obs
I switched to teleport, it just works, not like this.
obs-ndi caused more problems than it solved.
Noted discussion of malware on Reddit and ran via Crowdstrike Sandbox which returned a malicious rating with a threat score of 100 out of 100.


It is doing everything under the sun lol
Would love to know why. Our code is open source and we are doing nothing nefarious.
Doesn't work after upgrading to obs 28.0.1
Works really well except for the fact that the provided NDI Redist Exe file you are given a link to is a download that flags as malware, the download originates from rackcdn.com which with a quick google shows heaps of malware/trojan warnings.

Not compatible with OBS v28.... Any plans to fix this? OBS without NDI would be a huge minus for the whole OBS Studio....