DistroAV - Network Audio/Video in OBS-Studio using NDI® technology

DistroAV - Network Audio/Video in OBS-Studio using NDI® technology 6.0.0

Does not work with Windows 11
I have used this many times and works perfectly with NDI over large networks and local networks.
NDI plugin stop working with Sienna NDICam v6 - support NDI 5. Version v5.1 on iPad still working. NDI Source selection not displaying v6 stream from iPhone.
Sometimes crashes for no known reason, but aside from that, a valuable tool for Dual-Output streaming.
I was streaming with same settings for a year, then my 2nd PC broke and yesterday i fixed it, when i launch NDI scan converter ping increase to 300, when i turn it off it go back to normal, anyone have same problem? I was contacting my internet provider and thinking its beucase of them but today i figured out its caused by NDI, video proof down there..

I'm using this plugin with NDI HX Camera on iPhone.
Absolutely brilliant. Between the windows 10 computers and up to date OBS studio versions. I ran the install (First time I look at this). Looked in tools to find the NDI settings.

Then went to my other computer and at this point only it started to dawn on me what this was for. Added a NDI video source and Boom! The NDI broadcast names were there and it all just works.

With this plugin the sky is the limit. Who needs a TV studio. We got OBS Studio. Can't believe this software is free.
Indiscutivelmente incrível!
If you really know how to use this, it'll be a very useful.
it seems like a good application though has serious stuttering issues.
Unable to get working with Winndows 7. OBS Launches without it, however ever time I install this NDI plug on Windows 7, it crashes the program before it can full open.

Have tried (more than once) get assistance (as have others) but still no reply.
Love the plugin, but 4.6.2 still does not fix the issue in which it was patched for. I still cannot select a NDI as a source in OBS. I have to rollback to 4.6.0 which is now crashing from time to time.
i have tried for the past hour to make this work, but every time that i try the program does not show up in my obs
Really wish it would let me set the setting per profile. I have a streaming profile and a youtube profile. I need it off for youtube and on for streaming.
This is a life-saver! My computer is running out of USB bandwidth with all my capture cards, and with this I can hook everything up and have it working until I get more USB-controllers. I am a hardware-kind of guy to the core, but this works flawlessly and I'm actually second guessing some stuff...
I suppose with a deticated, closed-off Network switch and some extra ethernet cards you could do some truely amazing things with this, plus save a good couple of bucks on capture cards for each of your other PC's.
This is nothing short of amazing, I'm even using the official 20$ NDI app from AppleStore to connect my Iphone to this and I only see possibilities with this technology. To the best of my knowledge the limitations will be within your home network.
Good work!
from what i can see this is only for outgoing. with vmix, for example, NDI resources can also be used as an input. or am i missing something?
Works perfectly! Thanks.
Works really well except for the fact that the provided NDI Redist Exe file you are given a link to is a download that flags as malware, the download originates from rackcdn.com which with a quick google shows heaps of malware/trojan warnings.

With every version update, this keeps getting better. 4.2.3 (current) is the most stable so far. This plugin expands the usability of OBS to a whole new level. We use this on a regular basis at the production company I work at. Thanks again, Palakis!
Absolutely awsome, easy and usefull !
Using it to livestream basketball meetings.