Troubles with AMD GPU AV1 Encoding to Appear


New Member
Hello there. I have an RX 7800XT GPU and I wanted to use AV1 GPU encoding on obs instead of SVT-AV1 CPU encoding. Currently, the only available are x264, AOM-AV1, and SVT-AV1. I am using Arch Linux, Hyprland (Wayland Compositer), the current stable release of the Mesa Driver, and I have installed the obs-studio-rc AUR package. This is the beta release package for OBS on Arch that isn't flatpak. It uses version 30.1.2-rc-1 of OBS which is the most recent I believe. It also required me to switch my FFmpeg to an AUR variant of ffmpeg-obs (using 6.1.1-10) which is the same but with obs fixes included. It had two choices for repositories, one was cef-minimal-obs-bin and the other was cef-minimal-obs-rc-bin. I chose the rc variant as this is the rc release of this obs. My pc does have an additional ffmpeg of 4.4.4-5, but this didn't conflict and I don't see if it could, but it does exist. I tried downloading the AUR obs-studio-git as to see if that worked, however that package crashed when I tried to go into the settings, so I didn't bother, plus its version was 30.1.1 not 30.1.2, so I assume it wouldn't have worked either. So with these versions of OBS I couldn't get a GPU encoder to appear, despite my research telling me that OBS 30.1 had added VAAPI AV1 support via patch from user Nowrep on GitHub. Let me know if I am missing any crucial information, and thank you for reading.


New Member
I have now downloaded OBS via flatpak and the flatpak version does work and shows FFmpeg VAAPI encoders, however I would still prefer if possible to not use flatpak and troubleshoot the regular package's problem. Thanks