
New Member
I hereby suggest a DBus API. DBus is the main IPC mechanism for linux. (it also exists for other systems, but has less presence there). This would allow other programs to control OBS. I mainly intend this for scripts.

So, for example, you wanted a intro on your stream? Just subscribe to for example `com.obsproject.obs-studio:/stream:com.obsproject.obs-studio.stream.onStart()` and set the correct scene showing the video player. then start the video player over dbus and when the video finishes switch back the scene.

In general, OBS could be easily made scriptable and especially could easily interact with other projects simply by adding dbus support.


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Forum Moderator
I would love it, though someone has to implement it -- I'm not sure when I can make the time right now. My to-do list is a mile high at the moment. It would really be nice if someone had the time to contribute it. I would help in the process if so, though the person really needs to have some C/C++ experience.
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New Member
What framwork/library do you use for the GUI? I have worked with c++ before (not too much experience) and i even implemented a DBus host using Qt. However, i don't really have time either right now. So someone else probably has to do it. I can however write up a proposal on how i would design the DBus API later.

Edit: Ok, just took myself some time. Note that this is quite extensive and more than an initial API needs to have: https://gist.github.com/Kilobyte22/f1319ccec753e571805b
As an example, to start a stream from your terminal, one would type qdbus com.obsproject.obs-studio /stream com.obsproject.obs-studio.Stream.start
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