Chat Designer for Twitch

Chat Designer for Twitch 2.8.1


New Member
MiiRiiCo updated Chat Designer for Twitch with a new update entry:

2.8 - Presets

2.8 - Presets

  • Added Presets to this tool. Currently there are three different designs with three different styles each. There will be more in the future! (I'm still discovering different styles myself ^^' )
  • Added Hyphenation to this tool. You can now enable that if words get too long and cause overflow issues they now break into a new line. Because every language has different words, of...

Read the rest of this update entry...


New Member
Hiii, how can i add a custom font??
Hey :) If you download a font to your PC (for example with Google Fonts) you can install this file if you right click on the .otf or .ttf and click on install. After that, restart your browser so that it can recognize the font and open the tool again. Now you have to write the name inside the font settings.

Sometimes the name of the font is not exactly the name of the file. So what you can do is to open Paint on your PC and add a new text box. Search for your font and it will show you the correct name you have to use.

Currently it's still that complicated, because I wasn't happy yet with the different APIs I tried out for this tool. But I think I will improve this feature in one of the next few updates ^^

I hope I could help :)


New Member
How do you install this chat box for obs?
Thank you
1. Download the file with the white download button on the top right of this page

2. Unzip the folder (if you have a "Stream-Folder" you can unzip it there) with a right-click on the filename > unzip or extract

3. You should see multiple files and folders that are necessary for the tool to work. Open the Designer.html to design your chat. Follow the instructions in the howto.txt and the readme.txt files.

4. After you saved the design, add the Chat.html as a browser-source to your OBS. Set the width and the height of your chat to your size of choice.

That should be it ^^ I hope I could help :) If you're still facing some problems feel free to reply to this again :)


New Member
Firstly, this is brilliant! Fantastic job and makes my life far easier so I and many to come really appreciate it!

Ran into a few hiccups,
Not sure why but the badges dont seem to be showing after adding it to the Text-Content. Do I need to download some Favicons or update a url?

Id also like to re-open a Save, is that a function yet?
Or can I jimmy my data into one of the presets?
This feature will help this blow up with many community-downloadable presets. I'll share mine once I'm happy with it and you can add it if you'd like! :)

Thanks again!


New Member
I wish I could remove messages...

I figured out tmi is in fact not a dependency...

And I saw in the patchnotes how your badges source changed.

Is there a new one available yet or another way to use them?
Thank you


New Member
do you plan to add an emote only function, so that emotes are displayed larger if there is no text in the message?
or does anyone have any ideas on how to implement this?


New Member
do you plan to add an emote only function, so that emotes are displayed larger if there is no text in the message?
or does anyone have any ideas on how to implement this?
Ok, i got it :D

If you want messages that only contain an emote to be displayed larger, then you actually have to change the if function in the decompileFile.js from line 1210 (// settings.othEmotes[`${role}`].value) as follows:

                    // Überprüfen, ob Text vorhanden ist
                    if (msg.innerText.trim() === '' && emoteRanges.length === 1) {
                        // Wenn kein Text vorhanden ist, setze eine größere Emote-Größe
               = '50px';
                    } else {
                        // Andernfalls, setze die normale Emote-Größe
                        // settings.othEmotes[`${role}`].value
                        if (settings.othEmotes[`${role}`].active === true) {

                            if (settings.othEmotes[`${role}`] === true) {
                      "--othEmoteHeight", `${settings.msgFont[`${role}`].value.size}px`);
                            } else if (settings.othEmotes[`${role}`] === false) {
                      "--othEmoteHeight", `${settings.othEmotes[`${role}`].value.height}px`)

                  "--othEmoteVPos", settings.othEmotes[`${role}`].value.linePos);



at the moment I still have the size hardcoded in the .js, I'm still trying to include it in the css.

Pana Out!


New Member
Awesome tool! Been using this with my twitch stream recently and has been pretty flawless for my needs. Is there any way to get third party emotes such as FFZ and BetterTTV working with this?


New Member
Thank you for this tool, it's wonderful.

I have the same questions as RaccoonViolet, plus a major one that bugs me the most:

Can you implement a "LOAD" feature? That is a big request from me. Reason: you've spent a lot of time customizing your chat, you thought u're happy with it, you put it online - and you see there are some hickups. You want to correct them, but for this you have to redo the whole thing again :(

It would make life way easier if you could just load in your created data.js, do your changes and save again.

Is this possible?

Another question is: how can we change the badges? i.e. i'd like to have the sub badget i've designed for my channel.


New Member
This is such a great tool, amazing work. Looking forward to having the badges fixed.

As others have said, being able to import your existing setup would be fantastic.

Would also be great to integrate Twitch Chat Pronouns ( so you can add pronouns next to the chatter's name.