URL/API Source: Live Data, Media and AI on OBS Made Simple

URL/API Source: Live Data, Media and AI on OBS Made Simple v0.3.1

This release introduces the Output Mapping feature allowing to control which part of the output (for example, a json document) should go to which OBS source. You can now build complex queries and route different parts of the response to multiple sources instead of running multiple queries.

Don't puzzle with settings - use a preset! It will automatically set all the request fields for you. Common use cases like OpenAI and translation. If you're missing your use case - let me know and I'll add it!

What's Changed​

  • Robustness fixes. Adding polyglot assist button by @royshil in #85
  • Presets for common use cases by @royshil in #86
In this release:
  • Fixing temp filename to enable multiple sources
  • mpeg -> mp3 to allow mp3 playback
  • Prevent fail on HTTP error - to allow seeing error msgs on 4xx responses
  • Truncate responses over 1000 characters - prevent crash of response preview modal
  • Output template fix
  • Aggregate buffer spacing
  • Fix v30 Media Sources audio playback (restart media)
Support my work https://patreon.com/RoyShilkrot and follow https://twitter.com/RoyShilkrot
This release adds some exciting new features: Dynamic input image resizing and additional aggregation options.
You can now resize the dynamic image from an OBS source before sending it on the request, e.g. to save on bandwidth.
Additionally, aggregation can now be done "to Empty" or over a few timer options like 30s, 1m, 2m etc.
This will enable applications that need periodic sending of information from OBS for processing.

If you'd like to support my work consider Patreon or GitHub Sponsors , a ⭐ on the repo would be greatly appreciated and a rating on the OBS forum

In this release we introduce a new feature: Image input (grab the image of any OBS source to use for API input), as well as fixing some build issues and warnings.

This new feature enables some very cool functionality like Live Narration
WhatsApp Image 2023-11-17 at 13.37.53_5b39d038.jpg (https://youtu.be/2wJ72DcgBew 3min)

If you'd like to support my work consider Patreon or GitHub Sponsors , a ⭐ on the repo would be greatly appreciated and a rating on the OBS forum
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Reactions: ASchneider
In this release I'm adding the "Aggregate to Empty" feature and the binary data handlers for Image and Audio.

Aggregate to Empty will aggregate input from a text source until its empty and then sends the request. This is useful when working with captions as input, gathering input until there's a break.

The binary data handlers allow you to query APIs that return an image or audio as binary data on the response (e.g. with content-type: image/X or audio/X), and then either display the image or send the audio to a media source.

If you'd like to support my work consider Patreon or GitHub Sponsors , a ⭐ on the repo would be greatly appreciated and a rating on the OBS forum

What's Changed​

  • Add aggregate to empty and binary data by @royshil in #52
Full Changelog: 0.2.1...0.2.2
In this release: Added user-friendly template tooltips, JSON input formatting, HTML parsing with CSS Selectors, and set SSL verification to default 'off', improving functionality and user experience.

If this plugin has provided value to you consider adding a ⭐ on this repo, subscribing to my YouTube channel where I post updates, and supporting my work: https://github.com/sponsors/royshil

What's Changed​

New Contributors​

Full Changelog: 0.2.0...0.2.1
In this release we're introducing a powerful new templating engine: Inja, as well as internal build improvements. Also allowing for better URL input templating (also with Inja).

If this plugin has provided value to you consider adding a ⭐ on the repo, subscribing to my YouTube channel where I post updates, and supporting my work: https://github.com/sponsors/royshil

Note: (breaking change)
The Inja templating engine bring so many new ways to get creative with presentation, but it does impose a breaking change.
Instead of {output} in the template we now require {{output}} as per Inja standards. You will need to replace those in your sources if you upgrade.
This release introduces JSON Array Parsing (via JSONPath) and XQuery parsing. Thank you to all the contributors!

You can now use `{output0}, {output1}, ..` in your template to access the output array elements.

If this plugin has provided value to you consider adding a ⭐ on the repo, subscribing to my YouTube channel where I post updates, and supporting my work: https://github.com/sponsors/royshil

What's Changed​

New Contributors​

Full Changelog: 0.1.0...0.1.1
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