Broadcasting from an unreliably connective IP camera


New Member
I have a stream set up that broadcasts from an IP camera behind several miles worth of wireless bridges, so the connection to it can be kind of spotty.

It's an Axis camera, and I'm connecting to it using RTSP, but the issue I'm running into is that when I lose connectivity to that camera, the video feed "pauses". My stream coming out of OBS still is broadcasting normally, but instead of live video with some graphics and text on the layers above it, it's frozen video with graphics and text above it.

As a kind of band-aid, I have my IP camera added in several ways. I'm capturing the VLC window. I have a VLC playlist, with the RTSP address as playlist item 1 and playlist item 2 (thinking if I lose one, it will shuffle to the other item in the playlist), and then thirdly I have it as a "media source", and this seems to work until I've lost connectivity a few times.

Is there a way that I'm supposed to be connecting to a video source that may be dropping out regularly, to get it to just reconnect to a failed video or something like that? Closing OBS and reopening it seems to resolve this issue, but the video freezes when I'm not watching, so I may go a while without knowing that my video is frozen.


Active Member
I do not know specifically.
But at first glance, I'd be inclined to come up with some automation that disconnects and re-connect camera source on a regular basis as a preventative measure in the scenario you mentioned (presuming changing out the camera and improving the network isn't desired/practical)

I use a NDI camera, so can't comment on making RTSP more reliable through connection interruptions. Let's hope you get some other replies

As for not realizing camera image frozen, is placing a somethign that would move constantly in frame be an option? ex if outdoors, a small flag, windmill, or similar in the scene somewhere unobtrusive ... something you'd know to look for but would otherwise not look out of place or call attention to itself?