Crop Feature.


New Member
First of all, I just wanna say thank you, so much, for OBS. When I heard about it and tried it out, I was amazed. Mainly with it's CPU usage compared to xsplit, so keep up the good work, it's definitely appreciated!

There is one thing i'd love to see in OBS that would completely throw it leaps and bounds ahead of any other streaming program. Is a crop function, like in xsplit.

I use amarec to capture my capture card, and then add it into OBS via Video Capture. But AmaRecLive will output the raw capture per say, of amarec, it doesn't take into account the crops I do inside the program. So there are borders around the image in the OBS scene, I can get rid of the top/bottom borders by just expanding the area outside of the canvas, but the left and right borders stay.

You've probably already had people suggest this, or have it already in the pipeline, so if i'm just repeating what others have said, just look at this as a feedback post saying thanks for all your effort, and continued effort. :)


heros in an halfshel
Ah, I'm pretty sure cropping of video sources is going to get added sooner or later, but in the meantime you can still output your cropped video using AmarecTV+Amarec Live.

Open your Config in AmarecTV and go to the "Recording" tab, there's an option for filter processing there. If you enable that, your crop and deinterlacing settings will be active over Amarec Live as well, as long as you're not using the "HW Deinterlacing by VGA" option for deinterlacing.


heros in an halfshel
You're using a very old version of AmarecTV, though, I can't guarantee that it works properly in 2.10b.

The latest version is 2.31 and includes many fixes even over 2.20c, and can be downloaded from here: (The topmost link is download, but you could probably use Google translate to get a general idea of that page anyway.) Version 2.31 uses a new Amarec Live passthrough though, which you may have to reboot to after installing, and then click "Register filter" on the Live tab at least once.

Edit: In case you are wondering, the application does have English language support, just like the old version.


New Member
I'm using the new version of AmaRec and AmaRecLive, and there's no change. the video on OBS still has the black border as shown in the screenshot in the previous post. :(

EDIT: I can notice the no passthrough delay now with AmaRecLive which is amazing, although I guess i'm doing something wrong as I can't get the cropping to work :<


heros in an halfshel
No idea what's up, sadly. :( But yeah, cropping of video capture sources is most likely coming, I just can't really give you an ETA of when. In the meantime, you can do something like this in OBS, a "ghetto cropping" of sorts:

Add the source and then click Preview Stream, then Edit Stream, click the Amarec Live source and drag it slightly above the top edge of the scene (hold Ctrl to disable snapping to edges while doing this and then) resize it (again, holding Ctrl may be necessary) until both the top and bottom edges are off screen.


New Member
Yeah that's what I have been doing.

Thanks for your help anyway, just gonna wait till crop is implemented. :D


New Member
+1 for this feature as well. I'd like to be able to crop my webcam output on my stream a bit. It's only covers a small portion of the scene, so just stretching it out doesn't work.

girl poison

New Member
Please please please put in a function to crop sources, especially for the webcam...I love this software so much more than the resource-intensive Xsplit but it's lacking in some of the basic features I rely on. I still use OBS for PC games but I want to use it 100% of the time :)


What would be awesome would be something much alike the cookie cutter tool from Sony Vegas where you can do a custom crop form (it could be anything, such as a star).

If thats too tough, diagonal cropping would be a plus =)


Cropping is now available in OBS 0.51 Beta. Hold Alt while in Edit Scene to crop. (Note, grab the middle-top, middle-left, middle-right, and middle-bottom to crop, not the corners)


Sorry to necro-post, but will cropping with integer values ever be added? That to me is a lot more useful than just holding alt, I can get pixel-accurate crops that way and don't have to move my face 2 inches from my monitor and squint my eyes to see if I'm getting everything or accidentally removing a row or two of pixels.

For example, I'd like to do what the OP does, take a raw output from Amarec (which has the black pillarboxing on all sides) and remove, say 256 pixels from the left and right sides, 24 from the top and bottom, etc. THIS would be amazing.