Bug Report Window capture not updating.


New Member
Okay hello everyone i am having a problem.
I love OBS i have been using it for a while now but i am running into a problem and cant figure out how to fix it.

I am streaming thru twitch.tv i have a 3 monitor setup.
The problem i am having is i am using window capture then selecting a sub region and in that sub region i am selecting my twitch.tv chat so it overlays onto my stream so veiwers can see the chat.

Okay so the problem i am having when i open up my game i can see the chat update but if people keep typing and im in game it doesent update.
I have to tab out and tab back in for it to update.
I dont understand why it is doing this, but i would like for it to update automaticly without me having to tab in and out.
I am running OBS my game and browser as admin and that didnt fix it i have tried stopping and starting my stream that didnt fix it.
Can someone help me please thanks.


make sure Aero is on and you haven't minimized the window that has chat running on it. With aero on it doesn't need to be the primary focus or on top of other windows to be picked up and streamed. however minimizing prevents OBS from updating it.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Window capture does have some issue with browser windows, especially when the window names change, or new windows for the browser pop up; it has a tendency to confuse windows, though it generally should try to the right one and not lose it's "connection" with it so to speak. Currently what I ask people to do when they absolutely have to capture a browser window is do it with a separate browser than the main one they usually use to browse with.

For example if you usually use firefox to browse capture a chrome window for the chat to avoid browsing window conflicts. Somewhat of a pain admittedly but it's a work around for the time being as my current list of things to do is rather large