Bug Report Can't capture any games



I can't capture any games in 0.50b or 0.51b using game capture. It worked fine in older versions. Is there any known bugs related to this or am i the only one?

I'm gonna backup all OBS folders to another location and then deleting all the OBS files from the installation folders and trying a fresh install. If that doesn't work i'll post some logs from the backupped files.


Heeey i found out the problem. The problem was in the Game Capture properties. I was using the "Use Hotkey" option in the 0.48.xxx experimental versions so the "Use Hotkey" setting was already set in the 0.50/0.51 (they are using same config files?). So this fixed the bug:

1. Going to Game Capture properties ("Use Hotkey" was checked)
2. Choosing "Select Application"
3. Then changing back to "Use Hotkey"
4. Now it finds the game and starts to capture/stream it (before those 3 steps it was just black screen although i pressed the hotkey few times)

So if anyone else is having this problem this should fix it for you :)


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Forum Moderator
Just wanted to let you know that you're awesome, thanks for explaining that fix -- should have been set to application by default