Bug Report 0.50b Game Capture thread


I downloaded a the update lastnight and it has been giving me problems with Game Capture, i cant capture any games at all with that feature, i have to use window capture, does anyone know how to fix?

[Jim edit, sorry for the hijack: Could anyone having issues with 0.50 game capture where they didn't have issues with 0.472 try out http://sourceforge.net/projects/obsproj ... p/download and post here please?]


Re: OBSc0.50b

I'm actually having issues capturing league now too, It'll capture the first frame and cursor movement but that's it. I have to restart OBS to get it to work, but if I change scenes and come back or minimize the game and come back it stops working.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Re: OBSc0.50b

I would need you guys to come in to try to go through the problem with some test builds to see what's up


New Member
Re: OBSc0.50b

I've been using OBS for a long time now and love it. Have never had a complaint until. Great stuff :)
I'm having issues with video on the 0.50b though. Every time I'd open it, I'd try to preview stream before actually streaming to edit my windows and it would crash. It always crashes if I have video up, webcam, dazzle, it doesn't matter which I use. The moment I put them up and preview, it starts to lag, and within 20 seconds the program quits and tells me that windows will inform me whenever there is a solution to the problem.


New Member
Re: OBSc0.50b

Upgraded to 0.50b and I lost a TON of performance.

1080p@60fps wasn't a problem. Now it barely holds 15fps. I can only manage 720@30fps now. I try 720@45fps, and it doesn't even do that, just holds at 30fps. My buddy is having the same problem. I'm watching him stream a slideshow. Audio is perfect, but his fps is 1 frame every 5 seconds. Not sure what's going on. Going to do more testing and roll back to make sure its OBS and not NVidia's latest drivers.


Town drunk
Re: OBSc0.50b

Er, we need to see log files for things like that. Sounds like something is configured wrong.


Community Helper
Re: OBSc0.50b

Artisane, you might want to start a new thread about that, since it sounds like a different issue. Could you make a new thread and include a log with it?


New Member
Re: OBSc0.50b

Sure thing.. should have something available this evening

I rolled it back to .472b(only installed over the top of the directory) and its the same thing. Probably need to back up my profile and do a full reinstall.

It could also be Nvidia drivers since I did upgrade to the latest beta.. Hate making changes to two things and having something break. Makes it so hard to troubleshoot the source.


New Member
Re: OBSc0.50b

Its Nvidia's 320.00 beta drivers that were causing the problem. Not sure where the issue lies. I reported it to Nvidia, but without an error log of some sort, I'm not sure how they'd be able to pinpoint the problem.


Town drunk
Re: OBSc0.50b

Ok, this is useful info, thank you for taking the time to investigate. I will try out the drivers myself and see if I can reproduce as well!

edit: Updated to 320.00 drivers, could not reproduce. Did you restart your PC after installing the new drivers?


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Re: OBSc0.50b

I need anybody else who's having issues with it to come into the chat ( http://webchat.quakenet.org/?channels=obsproject ), preferably people who are not on laptops. I have some test versions I want people to try out and I really would prefer talking real time if at all possible. message me and say my name to get my attention.


Yeah I'm testing it now
Getting a black screen
*edit2* it seems to work after restarting the game though, I can't seem to figure out what causes this for me.

*edit3* so far this seems okay for me. someone else would be more helpful I think if they are having a consistent problem.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Could you guys try 0.50.08? I want to see if the fix moves over to that build without problems


Wow Jim, I don't know whats going on with these test builds but my capture device's sound is now off by like 500ms. half a second. easily noticeable o.O