Bug Report [0.48.018b] Stopped streaming mic after 3 hours [solved p2]


Hey again,

During my latest stream I encountered a new issue. After 3 hours of streaming, OBS just stopped streaming my microphone. The mic wasn't broken since I tried it out while streaming w/ the bug w/ audacity and it was fine.

So restarting the stream fixed the issue, but I thought I should let you know :)



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Re: [0.48.018b] Stopped streaming mic after 3 hours

Can you confirm if this happens every time for you?


Re: [0.48.018b] Stopped streaming mic after 3 hours

dehixem said:
Hey again,

During my latest stream I encountered a new issue. After 3 hours of streaming, OBS just stopped streaming my microphone. The mic wasn't broken since I tried it out while streaming w/ the bug w/ audacity and it was fine.

So restarting the stream fixed the issue, but I thought I should let you know :)


dehixem, since the test build threads are locked for obvious reasons... Does OBS still crash for you because of the dshowplugin.dll when you're opening up/configuring the Elgato device? It seems to work fine for me now all of a sudden with the latest stable build (0.50b).


New Member
Re: [0.48.018b] Stopped streaming mic after 3 hours

Well, ok. Yesterday I updated to 0.50 version of OBS and I had no sound after like 10 minutes at all. Before everything was fine, and I was able to stream with no problems, but after the update everything gone bad.

There's the archive stream of this situation:

Until 8:12 everything was fine, the next hour of a stream the microphone and sound was broken, but still showing in the OBS (the bars of volume jumped, so I thought it was fine).


Re: [0.48.018b] Stopped streaming mic after 3 hours

@Jim this issue has never happened to me before, I've already done something like 5 streams with that test build, sometimes very long streams (up to 6 hours) and I never got this before.


Re: [0.51b] Stopped streaming mic after 3 hours

Hey again, so I'm getting quite heavy issues since 0.50 (cf: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=3533) and wanted to point out that the microphone issue happened 3 times in 5 hours using OBS 0.51.

I really hope this gets looked into =)


Forum Admin
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Re: [0.48.018b] Stopped streaming mic after 3 hours

Post a new log file


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Re: [0.48.018b] Stopped streaming mic after 3 hours

upload the logs to the forum itself or use pastebin if possible, please


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Re: [0.48.018b] Stopped streaming mic after 3 hours

Thank you, I know your problem now. "Using Mic QPC timestamps" is the cause of your problem. If you need to use that option to keep your mic in sync, you need to turn the "scene buffering time" up until it stops happening. The "Scene buffering time" value gives the scene extra time to compensate for microphone timestamps.

Either try turning the Mic QPC option off, or try turning up the "scene buffering time" to around 700-1000 milliseconds or higher, should be enough to compensate mic timestamps.

Also I would only recommend using "sync desktop timestamps to video timestamps" if you actually have desktop time sync issues, otherwise I always recommend leaving it off personally under most circumstances.