Question / Help Microphone stops working after some time


New Member
Hey guys, I've got this problem where my Blue Yeti microphone stop working after I stream for some time. I'm using OBS v0.56.01, and Noise Gate.

Log file is spammed with Audio timestamp for device 'Microphone (Yeti Stereo Microphone)' was behind target timestamp by <changing number>! Had to delete audio segment.

Here's a full log file (warning, HUGE, over 700K lines): ... 713-33.log


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
If you get that issue, I would recommend turning up "Scene buffering time" in advanced until it goes away. The reason why this is the case is because most devices such as microphones require a specific amount of time to get that sound data to the app. The default scene buffering time is 400ms, and it's often just not enough for certain mics. Turning it up to around 700 or more usually does the trick. Usually this is only required when using "Mic QPC timestamps" which makes it use timing data reported from the driver.