Question / Help Multiple Computers


New Member
Hello! My name is Taylor and I am curious about this subject. Lets just say I have a bunch of friends over and we are having like a lan party in the lan party room. Is there a way we can make it so it will rotate between all of our screens and even rotate between webcams etc? I think this would be so cool for making our lan party broadcasts.

Looking forward to a reply.


For this you would need a capture card on the streaming/production pc as well as an hdmi switch, you can also plug the cams directly and setup your scenes.


Or, a really, really powerful Internet connection. Everyone streaming to a private channel; the production PC watching all those channels and combining them into one stream. :P


Or if you had a dedicated stream pc you could consider setting up own stream server to the local network so everyone can stream to that without consuming the internet bandwitdh since it's in local network. The server can be on the stream pc and obs can capture those with browser plugin. Server isn't cpu power hungry really, i have heard even Rasperry Pi can host five HD streams (dont have any link to confirm its true :/ )


New Member
I would love if someone could make like an actual tutorial on this. I am totally up for it. I'd like to do what ever would be the easiest way.


I would say the easiest way is my approach; you could have that set up in minutes. However, as I said, it does take a massive bandwidth to support it. The most expensive approach is hilalpro's approach but it is a good approach nonetheless.

Personally, I'm actually going to favor WayZHC's approach but it is possibly the hardest as far as learning curve is concerned.

So, you have a choice between:
  • Needing a lot of bandwidth
  • Needing money
  • Needing time to learn
Take your pick. ;)


New Member
How much money are we talking haha? and how much bandwidth do you think we would be using if we had like 4 screens and 2 cams.


Who has the best connection and what is the upload of that connection? As far as money is concerned; whatever the cost of a capture card and an HDMI switch is. As per hilalpro's suggestion.


Community Helper
Here is a good place to look at HDMI switches: ... p_id=10110

As for capture card, I've been pretty happy with my Live Gamer HD, though for something like this you could also use a Game Broadcaster HD.

If you want to go with the local streaming route, I wrote a guide for setting up your own RTMP server: viewtopic.php?f=18&t=2651

If you do the local streaming option, the best way I've found to mix all the streams together is with a program called vMix:


Well the easiest way would be the Kharay's way but the huge con in that is the upload bandwidth usage. Every friend + the actual stream = huge bandwidth needed.

Lets say streaming 720p @ 2500 Kbit + audio and 4 players

4 x 2500Kbit
4x xxx Kbit audio
2500Kbit + xxxKbit actual stream

12500Kbit just for the video + audio so you need lets say at least 20M upload for it. Min 15M upload.

So if you had the bandwidth this way is the easiest and fastest to set up.

If not, local stream server is the way to go and dodgepong has a good guide for it. You should check it out if you choose the local server way.


New Member
Okay. My internet speed is 50Mpbs and the upload is about 5Mpbs. So I'm pretty sure I don't have enough bandwidth for that.


Community Helper
If the RTMP server is hosted locally (i.e. on the same LAN), bandwidth shouldn't be a huge issue.


New Member
I am pretty sure since the Raspberry Pi is like nothing compared to a regular pc that I can host a local server on an old PC. I can just install Ubuntu on it and then follow the guide. Now if I do all this do I still need the switch and capture card? (Local Stream Server)


Community Helper
If you have each player streaming to the stream server, you don't need switch and capture card. You will still need a streaming PC to mix all the streams together and switch between them, and a program (like vMix) to actually bring in each stream as a separate input.


And the stream can be viewed through browser just adding the right server (local)ip and the location of the stream. Looking something like for example

So obs can view the stream with browser plugin


New Member
Also does Vmix take up a lot of resources? Because honestly I could go online and buy an old cheap pc running windows 7 and only Vmix. Nothing more.


Community Helper
I don't know, I've only ever used it on high-powered machines. You can always download the free 60-day trial to see how it runs, which has no functionality limitations as far as I understand it.