Question / Help G930 and OBS - Micsound fine, other volumes way too low


New Member
Hi guys,

I got a prob with my soundsettings and my G930. My mic volume is fine - no prob there - but ingame sounds, music and all other stuff are way too low, even if the soundbar looks fine. When I'm watching other streamers with the G930 everything seems to work fine for them so I wonder what settings I should use to get my sound loud enough? I really need to turn up my volume high that my ears are bleeding after a couple of minutes :( (Windows volume is at ~55 and I can't turn it higher due to pain in my ears)

The G930 has, so far as I know, no own volume-setting, so the volumewheel just adjusts the windowsvolume and nothing else.

Hope you can help me out.



Forum Admin
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Sorry if I don't always respond, usually instead of just spending all day responding to threads I'll give it some time to see if others can answer or help.

I have to admit I don't know if I have an answer here. You may have to play around with the settings and see what you can do to get things working. Windows sometimes goes wacky with these things


New Member
There's nothing you can really do. Turning on the loudness equalisation helps abit but just really messes up with the audio.

What I'm suspecting is that OBS trying to do is channel phantoming. The same option is on the G35/G930 when you uncheck all the other speakers. Everything becomes quieter than before.

On the other hand, xsplit seems capture 7.1 sounds and converting it to stereo, without losing volume.

I don't know if it known issue with all 7.1 headsets so we need someone else with different headsets to test it too.

There's been loads of problems with Logitech's G35/G930.

Next best thing is either streaming with xshit and it's terrible performance hit on the client side or get a stereo headset.


New Member

Jim said:
Sorry if I don't always respond, usually instead of just spending all day responding to threads I'll give it some time to see if others can answer or help.

you don't need to answer to every post - I know you are not able to do anything about the G930 issues so the question was dedicated to other G-users who could be able to help :)

BurningToxic said:
.... stereo headset.

Well, actually the G35/930 are stereo headsets with "manipulated" 7.1 sound by software, so the issue could be using usb-ouput instead of normal audio one. I will have a try later, having a steelseries headset left to test, if this works properly it might be the usb stuff or logitech software.

Thanks for your answers I will report if anything changes!


New Member
I have this exact same issue with my G930. that other app had the same issue for a while but I think they've fixed it now. I don't want to use that other worthless app though.. :(


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use the latest test version, it has a new option in audio settings, "desktop audio boost".


I have the G930 and have no issues with any sound levels, Headset at 50%, might need to just adjust the Desktop Audio within OBS to get the audio levels you prefer. If you adjust the headset levels via the volume scroll on the side of the headset, it wont change the volume of what the viewers will hear.