OBS redux


New Member
Sounds great for OSX users like me.
Right now, I have to switch every time to windows 7 installed by bootcamp.

I'll very happy to help with the beta version when it will come out.
Just to know, will the mac version support quick sync like the actual windows version?
Right now, when I use OBS windows version on my iMac (Late 2012) I can't take advantage of the Quick Sync feature of my i5 because Apple blocks it and there is no way to enable it.

Thanks for your work guys!

Italian Streamer


Town drunk
Does Intel even have Mac drivers for the iGPU? If not, there probably won't be any way to use QuickSync, unfortunately.


New Member
I don't know if third part application can use Quick Sync, but I do know that some Mac applications, like iMovie, use Quick Sync to export media files.

EDIT: I found this in the Apple website (http://www.apple.com/osx/whats-new/feat ... r-features):
Expanded OpenCL support
OpenCL in OS X Mavericks supports Intel HD Graphics 4000, Intel HD Graphics 5000, and Intel Iris Pro integrated graphics processors, letting apps tap into the parallel computing power of even more Mac systems.

and this one from wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intel_Quick_Sync_Video#Operating_system_support


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I could be wrong, so feel free to correct if so, but apparently quicksync can only be used on mac via apple's SDKs, and its use is implicit when you use their SDKs, not explicit. Apple's SDKs decide whether it should be used, you can't actually set them to "use quicksync" directly, they just automatically do depending on the circimstance. I don't know much else than that though.
Krazy said:
Does Intel even have Mac drivers for the iGPU? If not, there probably won't be any way to use QuickSync, unfortunately.
yes, of course they do, the lower-end macbooks use intel iGPUs. as far as whether or not Quicksync can be used, I do not know.


New Member
Are there any plans to be able to switch between scene configurations in a similar way to profiles? Ideally this would be independent of profile, as profile seems to define an output while scene configurations define an input. However, given that it's likely that there are people who want profile and scene configuration synced, allowing profiles to have an optional associated scene configuration that it automatically picks when you switch to that profile (but you can still change scene configuration afterwards) seems to be the best of both worlds.


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Status report - I'm almost out of the core, thank god. That took forever. Was an incredibly difficult thing to write and design, especially considering the fact that I am anal against any sort of code complexity, and refuse anything that's overly complicated in design or with any "gotchas" (though "gotchas" will no doubt crop up at some point). The core was very difficult to get right, and has a very large number of features that makes OBS1 look like a cardboard box in comparison.

I'm finally just about to get out of it and focus on other things for once. Somewhat of a major milestone.

The only things on my "todo" list for the core are:
  • Changing video/audio settings on the fly when not outputting (OBS1 turned completely off when not outputting. obs-studio is always on, so need to somehow "reset" video and/or audio without breaking or losing important data)
  • Checking for bugs, code review, things like NULL pointer dereference checks, try to break things on purpose and make sure it handles it properly
  • Other tiny things that don't need to be implemented right now, or can be implemented as needed/later (especially a number of functions that aren't needed yet)

The API is starting to solidify, and I'm really liking how it currently feels. It's partly documented, there are a lot of doxygen comments in the core headers with more to come later. There are still some things in question about the API (for example I feel a bit iffy about how to handle custom plugin user interface stuff, but I'm just going to have to test it out and get a feel for it to see), but outside of that I'm really liking the state of things currently.

After this I'm going to be focusing on outputs, UI, captures, etc. Both for windows and mac. We already have some captures for linux going thanks to the awesome linux coders: computerquip/benklett who programmed the X opengl stuff, leonhard and Ziemas who programmed the linux audio/video captures. Mesa support will still be a while because I didn't know about it beforehand, and have to reprogram a good chunk of GL shader code to make it function properly.

For mac, we have both opengl working and a working mac monitor capture already thanks to Palana. We now just need audio capture and later on device capture (which will suck). I'm probably going to try to get audio capture going for mac just to get it out of the way first.

After that mac audio capture I'll probably start working on some outputs, basic x264 encoder support, RTMP output, and UI for all that sort of stuff.

Windows of course has both opengl and direct3d working great. No captures right now though, I'll probably do all the windows-specific stuff a bit later, after outputs. I am going to redo all the captures for windows. I am going to completely rewrite game capture and directshow capture as well, as they absolutely need rewriting, the code in OBS1 for those things is absolutely disgusting (actually you could say that for most OBS1 code in general).

Note that there will be more than one UI, it depends on what type of project you'll be using. There'll be a "basic" interface for casual users which is basically similar to OBS1 and functions on the same simple scenes/sources system, and there'll be a "production" interface which will probably be nothing at all like OBS1 which functions completely different. We decided to separate them out because they are just so vastly different.

That more advanced interface in particular will probably have to come a bit later after those things as I'm somewhat anxious to get a test version out, so I hope people don't mind if I just try to get a single basic interface first.


However you do it is fine Jim. I think I speak for everyone when I say we are all anxious to give the redux a try. I myself am especially curious to see what new features and customizations will be available, and how much better it will perform over OBS1. OBS1 is already vastly superior to things like xsplit, so it's hard to imagine how much better the redux will be


New Member
Incredible work, it's really great to see that you're making so much progress :)

I can't wait to test the first Linux builds, I'm already compiling and trying out the latest Git releases, even though you obviously can't really do much with them as a regular user. Keep going :)


Since linux building instructions are still pending, I assumed that they are the same as for os x.
So I'm not very familiar with cmake, so I have a question. It builds program in rundir so
in order to make it work I have to create share directory and copy needed contents there manually.
I wanted to ask if there is a better way to do it. Also, Jim mentioned that there is linux audio and video
capture, but I only see test sources.


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The linux captures haven't been merged yet. I am unsure about the exact linux instructions yet because I don't have linux installed. You generally want to create a subdir like "debug" or "release" (which are directories added to .gitignore so you can safely make them), and then you want to change to those directories, and run "cmake .." with the appropriate parameters. I'm not entirely sure if it's a modular build or not at the moment though, I'll have to install linux again and take a look at it later.


New Member
I do a lot of Linux gaming, and I am very interested in helping to test the linux development of OBS Redux. How can I get involved? Thanks!


jbrouhard said:
I do a lot of Linux gaming, and I am very interested in helping to test the linux development of OBS Redux. How can I get involved? Thanks!
If you're not a developer you wait until it is ready to be tested, in the current state it is not.


Community Helper
jbrouhard said:
I do a lot of Linux gaming, and I am very interested in helping to test the linux development of OBS Redux. How can I get involved? Thanks!
You can check out the github repository and try to get it building, and come to the #obs-dev IRC channel on quakenet, for a start.


New Member
A big THUMBS UP again from my side for the developers! Can't wait to see OBS2 with its killer features come to fruition! (But no stress, we're happily using OBS1 now as XSplit replacement. ;) )


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I'm now working on captures, user interface, and other things.

Currently trying to do mac audio capture via CoreAudio which is surprisingly painful. Seems desktop audio capture is near impossible without some special kernel extension like soundflower to pipe it in through input. I can get input audio fine, but capturing the desktop audio may require users to use soundflower or something.

Any mac programmers know of any means of capturing desktop audio without messing with system extensions or drivers?


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Well I was meaning actual capture of desktop sound, not general input device capture. Also, apparently that application you linked also has to install a kernel extension or something to be able to capture desktop sound. Basically, seems something like soundflower is the only real option at this point.

I already implemented input audio capture for mac just earlier today as of this writing, seems to be working well so far. You'll be able to use it with soundflower at least and be able to capture your desktop that way for the time being.


New Member
Well... perfect! :)
Personally, I don't think that Soundflower will be a big problem.

I can't wait to try OBS Studio on my Mac!