Question / Help Time Stamp Doesn't Work?


New Member
As in the old/regular version of OBS, I'm able to use $t in the filename and it'll output a YYYY-MM-DD-HH-II-SS timestamp along with whatever else I had in the file name... usually I had it set up as this:


In the Multiplatform version, $t or $T does not seem to work. The spot where the timestamp should be is just empty / null, so I'll get a filename like obs-.mp4

Has the $t timestamp been enabled and if so, why wouldn't this be working for me?


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
It isn't in yet, though we fully intend to put it in. Apologies about that. Right now it only accepts a directory, and will only output the date format.


New Member
Jim however this is a program you can use that he could use as an alternate. This program is called TeeBoard.


New Member
@Jim okay, no problem. It's not a full version and is beta, so it's understandable. So far usage has been pretty good, I'm looking forward to using it full time.