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Releases: MisutaaAsriel/obs-toolbar

Beta 0.1.2 Release

01 Feb 02:11
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Beta 0.1.2 Release Pre-release

Requires OBS 28.0 or Higher

Tested on macOS Ventura & Windows 11 — Linux untested


[!] For macOS, to install, right click the .pkg, then hold down Shift and click Open. — It will ask you to confirm if you want to open the package installer.

macOS security by default prevents unsigned packages from being installed; shift + open is a per-use bypass.

Built using GitHub Actions

Initial Beta 0.1.1 Release

17 Dec 06:56
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Requires OBS 28.0 or Higher

Tested on macOS Ventura & Windows 11 — Linux untested

[!] For macOS, to install, right click the .pkg, then hold down Shift and click Open. — It will ask you to confirm if you want to open the package installer.

macOS security prevents unsigned packages from being ran by default but shift + open is a per-use bypass.

[!] For Windows, right-click install.bat and run as administrator.

Windows prevents writing to Program Files as a standard user.

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