Question / Help Windows gaming PC won't connect to Linux streaming PC with NGINX


New Member
-Stream pc is connected to internet only through lan connection to gaming pc. I tested that and the internet works
-Stream pc has nginx server up and running (the welcome to nginx page can be reached from either pc)
-Both computers have obs installed
Stream PC is running Ubuntu 16.04
Gaming PC is running Windows 10 latest update as of the post date

When i try to connect to the rtmp server through obs using the formula rtmp://<ip address>/live it fails to connect or it will time out and fail to connect

-I'm pretty sure it isn't antivirus or firewall as i get the same problem even with the firewalls completely disabled and a antivirus exception for obs
^^This is why i made a new thread, it seems this was everyone elses problem^^

-If this needs further elaboration, or if the log file from obs would help, then i can post that

Thank you!


can u post the nginx error logfile? its important u run same set of settings on the nics at either side. very little info to work with here. have u got it to work before or is this a 1st attempt and you're already failing?


New Member
This is a first ever attempt, it has never worked. I will post nginx error log, as well as obs error log and a picture of the error window I get.

I am attempting to connect to URL rtmp:// from gaming and I am certain that this is the ipv4 address of the stream pc.

I heard that it doesn't matter what I input for stream key, so I haven't worried about that.

BTW what are these "settings on the nics" that I should be matching?



  • nginxErrorLog.log
    4.4 KB · Views: 49
  • obsErrorLog.txt
    6.5 KB · Views: 44
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New Member
Stream PC has OBS and Nginx installed, and I haven't touched OBS on that computer.
Gaming PC has OBS but doesn't have Nginx

Here is my Nginx Config file, I have't tried to do anything except the bare minimum for an rtmp server:


  • nginxConfiguration.txt
    771 bytes · Views: 67


New Member
My gaming PC sees the stream pc as instead of When I use the URL rtmp:// I get a different error window as shown below:


Is this a step in the right direction?

EDIT: here is the error log for this one particular action:
12:30:43.019: [rtmp stream: 'simple_stream'] Connecting to RTMP URL rtmp://
12:30:43.019: [rtmp stream: 'simple_stream'] Interface: ASIX AX88772 USB2.0 to Fast Ethernet Adapter (ethernet, 100 mbps)
12:30:44.023: is offline. Try a different server (ECONNREFUSED).
12:30:44.023: [rtmp stream: 'simple_stream'] Connection to rtmp:// failed: -2
12:30:44.023: ==== Streaming Stop ================================================


err it reads 2016 in your error log. are you a time traveller? possibly check your clock there.
I think first things first. What nginx distribution are you using and what version?
you're getting 2 distinct config errors but the rtmp_stat all is indeed a working command. i have mine set to simply just "location /" without the extra stat dir. (i never use it). I also use port 80 instead of 88 there.
U can just try and uncomment stuff for now with an # or even just remove, and add back in as u get things working. Also make sure u open port 1935 there. OBS u need to run as admin. Or set windows to perma admin mode.
edit: ip addresses should be set static. disable stuff u dont need such as ipv6 and other protocols etc.
for network card, u should basically set same settings as much as possible. the exception is that u dont need high receive buffer on the gaming/send from pc. F.ex i use jumbo packets on both sides, and u kinda need it set at both sides then, or it wont have any effect.


New Member
Nginx is 1.10.3 and both PCs shown time and date settings correctly
OBS is 21.1.2
I don't know why Nginx is showing incorrect year...

Also: typed in the browser shows the nginx welcome page, does that mean that is the url i should use in OBS?
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that would be where nginx is installed then. nginx 1.10.3 is ancient, latest version is 1.15.1, u should do an update before anything.


start menu/windows system/command prompt from there type ping ipadressofnginxserver. from linux u open the terminal and same thing there. ip commands vary a bit from platform to platform. what u want to figure out is if its being blocked access even from there. from both sides u need to allow access between computers. I have opened every port between the 2 pc's that i need in their respective firewall. all of this stuff should be very googleable


New Member
Gaming PC:
-Pinging Nginx server ip yields this result with no loss

Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 0ms, Average = 0ms

-Pinging the other pc at also has NO PACKET LOSS

Stream PC:
-Pinging Nginx server has 0% packet loss

-Pinging the Gaming PC from Stream PC results in 100% packet loss


Yeah so u dont have incoming allowed from that pc. So u need to allow it access. For the specific nic/ip of the game pc.