Question / Help wanting to stream for friends privately


New Member
is there a way I can use obs to stream videos to vlc or do it a private server or something to just allow them to watch videos with me,because I already know how to live stream games and what not but twitch and jtv do not allow streaming of videos,and that is what I want to do atm because I want to watch a movie with some of my friends online but I am not sure how to do so,if there is already a post or something about this then please send me to it and I am sorry if there is one and I could not find it.


Community Helper
It's still against the Twitch TOS stream non-gaming content (especially copyrighted content), assuming the videos he wants to stream are not gaming-related.

Here is a guide for setting up your own streaming server: viewtopic.php?f=18&t=2651


New Member
thank you for doing such quick replies but I don't have linux,unfortunately I have windows and I was wondering if there was a program or something to run the private server on windows or be able to set it up to where my friends can view what I am watching through obs or anything else,all I want to do is be able to watch movies and anime with a bunch of my friends since right now we are pretty far away and the next time we will all be together is a long time from now,so I want something to do to kind of surprise everyone,if I can be helped with this I will be truly grateful