Question / Help Video Feed Works, but No Audio


New Member
I'm just starting to stream now, and I am using a Dazzle DVC-100 capture device. After finicking around for a while, I can get video feed to my stream with no problems, but there is no audio at all. On Adobe Flash Media Live Encoder, it registers the sound as well as the video, but I can't get it to trasmit to the stream. Can anyone help me with this problem?


heros in an halfshel
The Dazzle has a separate sound device, you need to select the Dazzle DVC-100 Audio device or something like that in the audio device list on the right, and then use the crossbar to make sure it's grabbing the sound from the right input on the Dazzle itself.


New Member
Not sure I am doing it right, but I do have the Audio Device (inside the properties of the global device) set to Dazzle. Not sure what to do inside the crossbar setting. Also is there any way to output the audio to both stream and speakers?


heros in an halfshel
The "Output audio to desktop" setting outputs sound to both the speakers and your stream. If you open the crossbar you will see something like "Output" on the right, select "Audio Decoder Out" from that one. There should be a few options available from the list on the left once you pick that, though I don't know exactly which ones are available on the Dazzle. The "Link related streams" checkbox may or may not help as well.


New Member
I switched every combination of options...and it gave me sound once during a preview....but now no sound again. The only option in the left drop down when I select 1: audio decoder out is 5: audio line in. Tried with link related streams checked and unchecked.


heros in an halfshel
Sorry, wish I could give more detailed help, but I don't personally own a Dazzle. I know several people have used their Dazzle with OBS though, and gotten audio working just fine, but I'm unfortunately not sure exactly how.

What happens if you select "(Use Device Audio)" from the list?


heros in an halfshel
Sorry, it should be in the "Audio Input Device" list on the right in the properties for the source. I'm not actually sure if the Dazzle has that option, but I know my generic Hauppauge device does, and sometimes I have to select it for it to pick the right audio input.