Question / Help VAC problems


New Member
I'm not sure if this is the correct place for this but I have been using VAC to split my audios onto separate channels and then using dxtory to bring them back together for my stream and record all but my music playing (using winamp).

However something has happened and when I'm streaming my music plays on my speakers/headset whichever I'm using at the time but the stream doesn't hear it. Also while I'm streaming my music and in game audio occasionally go berserk and start scratching/skipping while the music is playing and it's verrry annoying.

Any help would be appreciated, thanks.


That can happen if the buffers are set too low. I have it at 8. Going any lower and it happens often for me. This is using MME btw. The total buffer(s) I put at 100. When doing that this problem very rarely happen.

Also use the correct audio settings as the audio output. Like frequency and bit-level.