Bug Report Stream is ONLINE but doesn't show up on any external sites


New Member
Hi! I've put in this bug to Twitch.tv and they said that the problem is with OBS, not their website.

I'll simply enclose what I previously sent to them

The problem is that my stream doesn't show up as ONLINE in any external form, despite being online and watchable. I have no problem (and other viewers have no problem) watching the stream. It streams fine. However my stream doesn't SHOW UP on any lists where it should be listed as online. For example, (1) it doesn't show up on my follower's news feeds, (2) It doesn't show up under the League of Legends games section. (3) It doesn't show up under a site I have it registered to Mobafire.com. (4) It doesn't show up under a site I have it registered to LoLking.com. I have screenshot proof for all of these which I have shown to Bernadette@twitch.tv

Images seen below http://imgur.com/a/HLu1f

I use Open Broadcasting Software typically. I have tried using Xsplit and it has not fixed the problem. I have tried resetting my Stream key and it has not fixed the problem.

I have created a new twitch account and tried streaming from that account, and the problem was fixed.

If anyone could help me it would be appreciated.


Community Helper
Re: Stream is ONLINE but doesn't show up on any external sit

Have you checked your privacy settings to make sure you aren't excluding yourself from being publicly listed?


New Member
Re: Stream is ONLINE but doesn't show up on any external sit

Hey Dodgepong!

I'll try that right now, It seems I had that on accidentally but I didn't see any reason why it would block EVERYTHING out.

I'll post again if it worked! Thank you!


New Member
Re: Stream is ONLINE but doesn't show up on any external sit

Thanks Dodgepong!

It was as simple as that, it shows up on news feed and game directory now!
