Question / Help specific sizes problem


New Member
I come from using xsplit and so far i like xsplit more then obs.
I know obs takes less from my pc to use etc, but I haven't found how to change my layers into specific sizes
like I can in xsplit.

Anyone know if its possible?
Or is anyone is working on a plug-in that allows this?

So far all my layers have a static shape, it doesn't matter how much I try to change with that red size border the shape remains the same no matter size.

I want to be able to control my layers and make them thinner or wider/higher or smaller no matter how the other side is.
I hope anyone understand what I'm trying to say here.

Sine my set-up requires this I wish there was a chance to get it to work in OBS as well as in xsplit.



heros in an halfshel
To ignore the aspect ratio of the source while resizing it, just press and hold down the Shift key and then click and drag the edges/corners to resize it.


Active Member
You can also crop a layer by holding ALT while resizing it (crop AFTER sizing the layer where you want, there's a bug at the moment with resizing after cropping that doesn't keep the crop size relative to the resize), and hold CTRL to disable the snap-to-edge that's on by default.


New Member
Ok that tip helped but is it possible to get the image to stretch the size u make with shift drag?

Cues no i have a black space between the game and the frame.