Question / Help Some captures fail while others do not


New Member
I captured 4 scenes through replay buffer tonight. Two of them succeeded, two of them failed. The ones that failed showed up, but barely have any frames in them. The first one "23:32:43.134: [...]'" has a Data rate of 565kbps and Total bitrate of 874kbps. The third one "00:52:58.108: [...]" has a Data rate of 393kbps and Total bitrate of 703kbps.

The two that did succeed are "00:32:25.788: [...]'" with 34068/34378kbps and "02:25:26.476: [...]" with 2654/2889. The last one was just desktop capturing of a browser window.

As I am typing this comment I remember I create a second profile for desktop capture vs gameplay capture, and I was on the desktop capture mode that is set to capture my primary display instead of "any fullscreen application." But that wouldn't explain why I was able to capture gameplay in the successful video.