Question / Help Sending OBS screen to Android

I understand most people would not use a cell phone for broadcasting their video. however I'm in the unusual circumstance where my home outbound bandwidth is 400k (bet you haven't heard that metric prefix describe an internet connection in a long time.) My Cellular connection gets five Meg out.

I was thinking of using a Mac, (an old Mac who's highest OS can go up to 10.12) just frame the screen do all the things associated with Chad and production on the Mac, use an S video capture card that works with Android, (all upgrade to HDMI a) if have enough bandwidth and b) once I make money ) use the secondary screen as my broadcasts palette and then simply use stream works for Android just simply broadcast screen capture footage.

I understand I have to be careful because anything that the Mac does the Android could see. If the Android locks out due to time and I have to retype my code,. The buttons I hit glow and people will know the unlock code.

I hopefully could do something special that very few people can do on Twitch and mixer: (some forums say it's impolite to mix subjects on a forum. Others say it's impolite to post unrelated things back to back really quick, even though they're separate topics, and they'd rather you posted all in one form despite the two or more topics on it. Please tell me the etiquette that's expected on this form whether I should describe my special thing here or use another topic for it.)


Active Member
You'd likely be better off just tethering your Mac to the Android device's network connection and streaming directly from OBS. I don't know what you mean by an S-video capture card... that's not going to connect an Android phone to a Mac.
There are three problems with that. One it costs more money. Two, tethering data is limited even if one was willing to pay. And three I was going to use my Macintosh to have the voice speak the chat so that I can visually keep my eyes on the game.

There is an Android streaming app called streamlabs I believe. As soon as I'm ready to pay the license I could take off the ads. I was able to scream a camera bit. and there is an option to scream a game capture so maybe instead of a game capture it captures whatever is on the screen so I could set it to my capture card and capture what's on the game screen. I understand it's kind of a roundabout way to do it. I tried to
stream out with 400k. 400k of a non-online game gives you this:.
The main problem is the only "generic" capture card I know of is an EZCap S-Video. I don't know if the component and HDMI versions of EZCap work with USB Camera App for Android.

I tried my Hauppauge Rocket. Not generic enough for USB Capture.

By the way the video was over 2 years old demonstrating my 400k capture directly on my Mac.

The most important thing you need is network. Trust me, if tethering were freeer and could work with my Mac and Xbox. I'd do it in a heartbeat.

Unfortunately, the federal government is preventing the 4 cellular companies from being a "home like" cellular ISP. The FCC thinks of it like it's a luxury.

I think of it like a mobile home. If it is a home away from home, then it's a luxury. But it's a primary home, then it's a home of last resort. Have you ever heard of the term "trailer park trash" and "redneck"? That perfectly describes my internet.

I have talked to my federal congressman, and he is interested in the story of the FCC thwarting expanding internet in rural areas by these cellular regulations.

As ai always say, " I don't want to win the Broadbandapolis 500 TB race. I just don't want my only option to be an Amish Buggy."

I took a lemon of a sitch and made lemonade. I received online games based on my real world performance. With a sense of irony, U named the website

About the SVideo card:.A USB capture card does send video to my Android. I don't need to briadcast on my Mac just compose the stream on a Mac and pipe it as a video to my android.

The problem is it can only send 480i and my newer Mac Mini can only do 720p/1080i and higher.


Active Member
Having worked in the cellular industry, it is not regulation that thwarts expansion into rural areas, it's the fact that it is not profitable to do. Both wireless and wired telcos only go into less dense areas when it is mandated, and when it is subsidized. Otherwise they don't care.

As an aside... what's your actual question, then?
The main point of the question was asking if OBS has a mode where I can just show the OBS broadcast screen on the second screen of my Mac without the Mac OS stuff on the top and bottom. In other words, can I have my second screen display the OBS broadcast full screen without the OSX marks?

As for regulation, cell phone companies are in rural areas already so they can blanket the nation. And all 4 cellular companies say I'd rarely drop below 4G, if it wasn't for the feds forbidding cellular ISPs to act like home ISPs.

It's the cable and fiber companies who refuse to go rural unless either bribed or forced.

And in terms of cost, isn't radio transmissions of internet cheaper than physically wiring streets with some physical cable/ fiber, especially if cellular companies are doing it anyway to blanket the roads?


Active Member
In OBS, right click your Preview window and choose Fullscreen Projector, then the display you want to use. This will just be OBS output with no other UI elements.

Both wireless and wired companies refuse to go rural unless bribed AND forced. And it isn't even just that-- fiber companies avoid *urban* areas that pose additional costs and challenges (more stakeholders, higher construction costs) even when the agreements they already have with states, municipalities and the federal government *require* them to do rollouts by certain milestone dates. That's why in a lot of states fiber is primarily a suburban rather than urban or rural phenomenon, because it's where you can make the most money for the lowest cost and the least hassle.

While it is true that if your goal is total coverage, it is less expensive to blanket an area in wireless than with fiber, no operator has that as a goal. State, local, and federal governments claim to have this as a goal but frequently fail (I'm generously calling it failure instead of collusion) to hold them to commitments they make towards this goal.

Mobile companies in particular are ruled by ARPU. An area where ARPU is low you will avoid at all costs unless forced, or there is nowhere else to expand to. For quite a few years now they have chosen to provide higher tiers of service, for which they charge higher fees, in areas that already have coverage, rather than expanding that coverage to areas that don't have it.

Road coverage is spotty in lots of places. And I've worked in countries where getting 100% road coverage is way more challenging than in the US, and we still don't have anything close to it.
Well in my particular situation I live fairly close to the intersection of to interstate highways. The intersection of interstate 71 and 76. Assuming cellular range is 3 to 5 miles, our house is definitely within cellular range.

And cellular companies all offer decent packages. And I could use my cellular internet to all I want as long as its data used on the phone itself

If I try to make it a conduit for my Xbox Live the meter start ticking. They give you 30 GB of tethered / hotspot data. And then that's it. Anyone who plays Xbox today knows 30GB is nothing. Some disc games are bigger than 30 GB. Quite a few small games are 5 to 10 gigabytes. And that's just downloading data for the game itself. Imagine adding online traffic to that.

all 4 cellular companies said I'm in good range where a rarely be even dropped to the h category which is kind of like a 3.5 G. and I understand the more you use it the more likely I'm to get drop down.

but as soon as one mentions one wants to use it for an Xbox they say it's limited to 30 gigabytes a month no matter what you do.

I talk to supervisors at all four major cellular's and I asked them I could verify that I'm living on a property with no good land internet and that whenever I do use it I will be on that land. How? you could scan the GPS whenever I'm connected to an Xbox and be assured that I'm within my property line.

It's not a case of lack of accuracy because not only can I see that I'm clearly in my house but I could see approximately where in my house I am and it's pretty accurate. The GPS could even see me, assuming that carry the phone, moving from place to place.

I asked all four cellular's why is it that all four cellular's refuse to make the deal. I don't know whether they're grasping for straws but there's only two logical explanations for why cellular's don't offer Xbox under cellular phones when there's plenty of bandwidth available close to interstates.

Either they are colluding or the federal government has a regulation against that.

First I try cleaning collusion by the four cellular's. That went nowhere.

Now I'm trying the FCC blocking search internet, and I caught the ear of my local Federal congressman. He's interested in my story and he's going to have his people investigate the FCC.

When we went deeper they said that according to federal law the law has to be good for in the cities where does real congestion for it to be legal everywhere. So what they're saying is laws pertaining to Times Square and what kind of coverage and speeds and allowances they have is the same as a rural intersection between two interstates about 30 to 50 miles away from 2 fairly major cities.

As I said before I don't want to win the Broadbandalolis 500 terabyte. I just don't want my only option to be an Amish buggy.

(By the way it's illegal for Amish buggies to go on the freeway. it was a state route in Ohio that had to be redesigned to be an Amish highway which allowed buggies to pass underneath cars so that they could safely travel without interfering with car traffic that was going 55 miles an hour in a single lane in each direction.)

10 Meg in, 3 Meg out is plenty. Especially since we got 4 phones that could be 40 Meg in 12 Meg out combined.

the internet is there where I am. It's just illegal for me to tap it's in the way I want, for my computer and for my Xbox.

Luckily I think I found a creative way to broadcast out on Twitch. Use an Android screen capture app descend OBS in.

I may be able to do it without buying anything if the McIntosh is able to have two separate monitors of two separate resolutions. The internet said hold the option key to activate the options for the second Drive. If that works, I can broadcast in standard-definition out using my easycap S-Video.

Otherwise I'm going to have to wait for a shipment of an easy cap HDMI capture card for Android to come in.

There's just one last issue,. But it's addressed on a different sub page within
Well I found out my basement could get about 2 neg outbound. a currently my S video capture card does not work for HD video. it'll take a couple weeks for my HDMI card to come in the mail.

in the meantime assuming the games are either 240p or 480i, like everything connected with composite component S-Video and RF, good thing I noticed is that you can turn down the resolution of my Macintosh about a 2008 iMac to 480p, because an S-Video out works perfectly fine on that machine.

Now I got four questions.

First, if fI'm using a Hauppauge Rocket to capture the video footage, will it capture the video in 480i or 240p?

Second how would my 2008 iMac with OS 10.9 treat it using the highest version of OBS that is compatible with Mac OS 10.9?

Third how would it output to my phone with a separate SD capture card that's an easy cap? By the way the phone
that's capturing it is a Motorola MOTO G7 with Android OS 9, and a program called USB camera which says except easycap inputs.

And fourth, would 2 megabits out be enough to broadcast standard-definition video on Twitch?
In OBS, right click your Preview window and choose Fullscreen Projector, then the display you want to use. This will just be OBS output with no other UI elements.
What is the modifier for a one button mouse, Apple-click. Shift-click, Control-click, or Option-click?