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Non-Free Panamation 5.0


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STLbenke submitted a new resource:

Panamation - Graphics and animation, Live Paint Box

You are only limited by your imagination. This old line has never been more true. Introducing Panamation! An unbelievably deep paint and graphics program. Animated lower Thirds? No Problem, Photo editing? No Problem! Live paint over video? No Problem!!!

Check it out, have fun!

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Panam Screen grab.jpg

This is Panamation's main UI. Featuring multi-layer capabilities with vector based drawing tools, keyframe animation and import / export of multiple file types. Output NDI up to 8 channels (individual layers and total project), up to 4k workspace size. Visit our facebook page or Search "Panamation" on youtube for more on how to make it work with OBS!
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Telestrator Interface (included with Panamation). Note the API controls (GET) and the vector based drawing tools. Add your own logo's and graphics quickly with NDI output to OBS!