Question / Help OBS + UMC ASIO + VoiceMeeter Banana = no input?


New Member
Hi. I tried setting up OBS with Banana to route my DAW sound through ASIO driver but there's no input detected in Win10 recording device. I can hear the sound from my DAW in my speakers. I connected everything correctly and yet OBS doesn't hear the sound. Why? I routed the sound to AUX in Banana and set the AUX input as the default in OBS and still no sound. I'd appreciate every bit of help!


New Member
I installed the plugin but nothing changed. Is there a plugin tab in the OBS where I should enable it? Am I supposed to restart to get any changes?


It's an Audio source plugin so you will need to add ASIO Input Source



New Member
Okay, I manually copied the contents of the exe to the OBS directory. Still, there is no input whatsoever.
I tried using the UMC ASIO and the Banana ASIO. Nothing.


Ah, it only works for Input Channels apparently, you would need some way to send your DAW Output to the Voicemeeter ASIO Input, i don't use Voicemeeter so I can't assist you there.


New Member
A success! I got most of it working. I can now route the sound from my DAW to the OBS as an input, but it won't let me activate more than two ASIO devices. I downloaded the v2 of the plugin, though.


A success! I got most of it working. I can now route the sound from my DAW to the OBS as an input, but it won't let me activate more than two ASIO devices. I downloaded the v2 of the plugin, though.

It is a limitation of steinberg asio sdk. One can't open several asio devices in a single app, nor the same device in several apps.
However, the bassasio version of the plugin bypass that limitation and works perfectly with several devices.
You'll have to build it though since I can' release it due to the licensing terms of bassasio library being incompatible with those of obs-studio.
(I'm one of the developers of the asio plugin).


New Member
Hey guys I have a similar issue and any advice would be great...

On windows 10 I'm currently recording electric gtr/vocals into Ableton and I want to output Ableton into OBS to live-stream.

I'm using an "audient iD14" which I see isn't listed among the supported devices of "asio plugin 1.3.1".

I have 2 questions:
1. Does anyone know how to capture Ableton's output in OBS while using an "audient iD14"?
2. Would purchasing one of the devices (e.g. a focusrite scarlett 2i2 v2) that support the "asio plugin 1.3.1" fix this issue?

Thanks for your help
and pkv awesome work developing the plugin



New Member
Just in case anyone is interested you can route audio out of REAPER quite easily with 'reastream' which is a free download.
I decided to let go of Ableton and go with Reaper.
There is quite a good video on youtube of someone going through the process if you search in:
How to send audio from reaper (or any other DAW) to OBS studio.
