OBS Not Receiving Websocket Command from Javascript

I have hotkeys with graphical “buttons” created defined using Advanced Scene Switcher.

I am now trying create a web page that can have similar buttons defined with html/css that can be triggered with a mouse click, fire off a keycode sequence to OBS.

I used to be able to do this with older pre-v5 obs-websockets-js library, leveraging the TriggerByHotKeySequence command in Javascript.

But, for some reason, even though I can successfully open the connection to the Websockets server as defined in OBS; and even see the Chrome console indicate there is communticate going one, the actual sending of the keystroke sequence is not happening.

Does anyone have any modern examples of making this work?

Also, I am succesful in doing a “simulatedkeypress” in Javascript, but the keypress never gets passed outside the browser, so OBS never sees it. Nor does AutoHotKey.

Any ideas?