Bug Report OBS and PCSX2 - OBS thinks window is minimized


New Member
Need some desperate help here.

I've been using PCSX2 in windowed mode to stream to Twitch. I've had no problems whatsoever with it until today.

Out of the blue, I can't get OBS to window capture the GSdx emulator window where the actual action is taking place. I get a black screen *and* a message saying that the window is minimized.

OBS has no problems whatsoever with capturing the other two windows in the emulator, and it also has no problems capturing other games and whatnot.

I've already tried using the stable build of OBS and the stable build of PCSX2 with clean settings for both and I'm still getting the "window is minimized" message on the bottom left when it clearly isn't minimized.

Anyone have any idea what's going on?


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Forum Moderator
Out of the blue is a bit of an odd statement. It implies "but nothing has changed", yet it directly means indeed that something has actually changed but remains unseen.

Anyway, try deleting and readding the source or something, not entirely sure unfortunately.