Question / Help OBS 19.0.3 (64bit, windows) Doesn't Show Text From File


New Member
Disclaimer: I'm not too smart with the computer when it comes to coding and such, so you might have to dumb things down for me.
Issue: For streaming, I'd like to have a scrolling music text for the "Now Playing" from my Spotify and possibly SoundCloud. I'm currently using Snip v6.9.1 for my Spotify on Windows 10, which I finally got to work properly. The txt document shows the name and author of the songs I'm listening to at the current moment. However, when I go into my OBS to add a Text(GDI+) source, it doesn't show the text from the file I selected (and I made sure to select the correct txt file). Am I missing something or is the 64-bit version of OBS that I'm using not able to read text from file?
Side note: I went through the exact same steps on my husband's computer with the same OBS and Snip versions as well as the Spotify Windows app, but experienced the same results -- text does not show in OBS that shows in the text file.
Another side note: I can't get my OBS to show the text from files in regards to my StreamLabels either.


  • 2017-07-30 15-48-30.txt
    11.1 KB · Views: 90
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Mark Weiss

I've had no luck with Text (GDI+) either, so I use the deprecated text option.

The GDI+ seems to have some bugs. Horizontal displays as a vertical box, so you have to click Vertical to get a horizontal box. The more problematic thing is that any text you create is invisible, regardless of the opacity settings.

I wonder if this has been reported yet?