Question / Help Newbie With Black Display Screen Using OBS For FB Live

Suslik V

Active Member

For window captures and game captures (while obs studio will use integrated video card, in your case "Intel(R) HD Graphics 530") it is possible to enable compatibility mode (slow, but it should work fine). Unfortunately, the option itself has different names across the obs sources while internally is the same thing, and any attempts to bring them to the same base failed ( said:
...In the future, something should be put in to the program that detects
laptops and warns on how to set up their adapter for efficient capture...
The mentioned "future" isn't come yet...

Laptops has its own disadvantages for capture tasks in comparison to Desktops. If you were able to use the obs long time ago, it is because of recent changes in the code of obs ( and this changes wouldn't be reverted any time soon.


New Member


New Member

For window captures and game captures (while obs studio will use integrated video card, in your case "Intel(R) HD Graphics 530") it is possible to enable compatibility mode (slow, but it should work fine). Unfortunately, the option itself has different names across the obs sources while internally is the same thing, and any attempts to bring them to the same base failed (
This was EXACTLY what I needed! Thank you so very much.