Question / Help Need Help with OBS and SyphonInject on MAC


New Member
Hey guys im new to this site so no need to point out im posting in the wrong section or shouldve searched before posting, etc. I apologize in advance. Plus ive looked it up and had no luck.

I have an Elgato HD60 running in Game Capture HD trying to broadcast to Twitch using OBS. If i use a Window capture, the stream is horribly choppy so i gave a cropped Display capture a try and had the same result. Then ive been told that to stream a high FPS first person shooter, using SyphonInject is a must. However, when i try to inject Game Capture HD it will not inject or appear in the sources. I also heard using EyeTV could correct that and will be injectable but the Elgato HD60 does not work with EyeTV. I can answer any questions about my settings, internet, and MAC specs. any help here would be much appreicated. Thanks.