Mini pc


New Member
Would a mini pc run obs.

GEEKOM Mini IT11 Mini PC 11th Gen Intel Core i5.​

I know it has more ram then needed.
Any help would be appreciated.


Active Member
1. I'd recommend seeing the couple other recent hardware threads
2. See OBS Studio graphics requirements. Assuming CPU with built-in GPU, AND low expectations in terms of resolution, frame-rate, etc. - sure it will work. Others run 1080p30 stream on 10yr old computers, and an 11th gen Intel (soon to be 3 generations old) is fine, if you know what you are doing.

One can take a US$10,000 professional workstation and overload it if you don't know what you are doing. so.. it depends.
A i7-10700K (as I'm using along with a GTX 1660 Super) should be able to handle 4K streaming. but I'm not gaming, so all other background CPU usage is quite minimal (biggest is NDI video feed, other is PowerPoint, and browser monitoring livestream).

Challenges with laptops and mini-PCs (which often use laptop component) is
1. use of (U)ltra-low power CPUs designed for battery life (and/or low thermal output). And even if not the U models, there are other, only slightly more performant low-power CPU models
... saying i5 doesn't tell us anything... like saying a V4 engine... could be gutless econo-car, or Formula 1 beast
2. thermal throttling (ie CPU, SSD, GPU, etc get hot and forcibly slow system down until things cool off... and real-time video rendering is computationally demanding... helped by having a GPU with a dedicated encode ship and using the right OBS settings to take advantage of that)


Active Member
Links are amazingly helpful. We don't automatically know what things are. Fortunately, this one was easy to google:
Did I get it right?


Active Member
@qhobbes ok - so 'ran' not 'run' ;^)
more directly stated to OP - LOTS can be done with under-powered gear, _with_ expert level optimization knowledge (which few have, nor have discipline to maintain). Is that i5 under-powered? can't say as I noted previously.. that link Aaron provided points to a laptop or lower-powered Intel CPU. so depends on overall PC workload and OBS Studio output requirements.