Question / Help I need help with the Quality of my recordings


New Member
I've tried so many things but I can't seem to get decent quality recordings. I feel like my system should be good enough to pull off 1920x1080 on 60 fps with the games I'm trying to record. For some reason anytime I've tried to use clear settings for nice quality it just stutters/buffers, I checked the help forums on here and none of it really seemed useful. Here are my pc specs again just in case the log doesn't have it all. On a sidenote, my SSD has limited space on it, but I have OBS record to another drive with space, could this cause an issue on OBS?

  • Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700 CPU
  • RAM 24.0 GB
  • Windows 10 OS
  • GPU NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050


  • 2018-04-20 23-14-04.txt
    8.4 KB · Views: 9
23:14:04.998: COMODO Antivirus: enabled (AV)
23:14:04.999: COMODO Firewall: enabled (FW)
23:14:04.999: Windows Firewall: enabled (FW)
23:14:05.000: COMODO Advanced Protection: enabled (ASW)
Have you tried turning off your Antivirus/Firewall software?
23:17:51.469: [NVENC encoder: 'simple_h264_recording'] settings:
23:17:51.469: rate_control: CQP
23:17:51.469: bitrate: 0
23:17:51.469: cqp: 23
I haven't tried CQP, but from what little bit I know of CQP, the lower the number, the better the quality, and I do believe that 23 is like a standard setting. It's like 3 or 4 steps of quality with CQP.

I use VBR for better control, and every game will have different VBR settings, unless you don't care about file space.

Use Profiles to save settings for each game.


Active Member
Continue to use nvenc for recording, and use cqp with a value around 18 instead of 23. The lower the cqp value, the better the quality. Or switch to simple mode, choose nvenc as encoder and "Indistinguishable quality, large file size". That's about the same.


New Member
So I tried all these fixes and still nothing seemed to work. If it would help I can show you all my current OBS setttings.