Question / Help How to maintian transparency while recording?


New Member
I have a png image WITH transparency that I am using as an underlay for a video I am making. I set up a scene in OBS with the following sources: a webcam, a game capture, and the image underlay. Essentially, when I click record in OBS I see my underlay png with my game capture and webcam capture exactly as desired. However, when I take the video OBS outputted into sony vegas, I cannot make anything underneath the video visible despite the fact that the original png had transparency at that spot. Hopefully this description makes sense.

How can I maintain (or record) the transparency so that I may edit something underneath the OBS video in Sony Vegas? I am not too knowledgeable about alpha channels and if OBS supports them or not.

Thanks in advance!


New Member
R1CH, thank you for the speedy response! Perhaps I am ignorant on the matter but I don't believe I am trying to recomposite any layers. I am just looking for a way for the transparency to piggy back into my editing software,


Forum Admin
It's not possible since video is rendered as shown. Think of it like Photoshop, you can adjust layers and use transparency as you like, but once you save to JPG all that is lost.


New Member
I see. I think I understand now. Thank you. I actually thought of a workaround that I will post here for anyone else that may have had the same question. Instead of making my png an UNDERlay that OBS records, I'll make it an OVERlay that I insert during the editing process. I will only use it in obs to "align" the game and webcam.

Thanks again R1CH.