Question / Help How to edit audio before being streamed?

Hey guys so my favorite streamer does something with hia audio. He has a rode podcaster mic, and what he does is feed the mic audio through a sound mixer where eq and other effects are applies, then it's outputed through obs. How does he do this? He uses OBS so i know it's possible. Also what software should i use to do this? im not sure of any audio mixing softwares.


Community Helper
His mic probably doesn't go directly into his computer, but into a hardware mixer via an XLR cable. You can do all kinds of fancy stuff with audio effects before finally outputting the result into the Line-In port on your computer.

It doesn't necessarily require software; it can all be done with hardware.

Though it's hard to tell what exactly you had in mind without seeing an example of what this streamer is doing.
ah ok thanks. do you know of any way i can accomplish this? if you're not clear on what i want to achieve i want feed my mic audio into a mixer software to apply eq and such then feed it into obs. do you know how i can do this? any recs on software?|


Community Helper
What kind of mic do you have? Is it USB or analog? I assume it does not have an XLR connector.


Active Member
I'd recommend sending the caster a message and just asking what he's using. Some (like MANvsGAME) use a hardware stack (mixer/compressor/expander(?)) before the 'massaged' audio is passed in through the mic or line-in port.

Alternately, there are some bits of software (such as Screaming Bee) which show up as an audio device/fake microphone themselves, and pull in from the stock mic before processing and sending it out on the virtual interface (which you would just set as your mic recording source in OBS).
Surprisingly difficult to find a SOLID computer-side digital EQ/component stack; I've been trying to get a good compressor/limiter/expander for a while now, and have had no real luck.