Question / Help How do I live stream to twitch using Ubuntu vps?

Hi there, I've been doing some research, and I found out that I could Live Stream, with my vps pack that I got, but the question is, is how do I do that, as most of you all know, that my upload sucks, but if I used my vps, the page I read said it would increase my speed indubitably. So I was asking here, cause, A. this is open broadcaster, and B. You guys have probably more experience then I have lol. So Please help me know how to Live Stream using VPS?


The Helping Squad
Could you link us the page you got your info from?

It wont help your upload speed. Unless you have an awesome upload connection to your VPS.
Ultimately the VPS is the same as Twitchs or Hashds server. So, if your upload is limited, you will be as limited to stream to your own server, as you are when streaming to another server.

To your problem:
Thats a Guide for setting up nginx under linux to receive a stream. It can be used to forward this stream to twitch (for example) as well.
Unfortunately no, to the first question, cause that is lost in history, and I can't even remember where now I looked it up.

And thanks, I'll try the link :).


Active Member
The VPS won't help you stream any better, unless you're REALLY far from a Twitch server/have a poor network route connection. If the VPS is in a better location, it can help to route you around a problem spot, but it's not going to fix poor upload. You need the pipe to send the data, no matter if it's going to the VPS or straight to the Twitch servers. End of story.

Run the 6MB test at from the connection you will be streaming on, to get an idea of just how much constant throughput you actually have to work with (most ISPs, and show results based on an averaged rate over the transfer of a 'dead' file, which can run severely lower and spike much higher briefly, but comes out to your 'rated' speed over the course of the whole file... not useful for livestreaming, which can't take advantage of the bursts of high-speed, and has to be set up for the lowest constant rate to deliver stable performance). We can move forward from there to see what you can do, with what you have. :)