Question / Help Help With Stream?


New Member
hello, im here for some help :/.. Ive been trying to stream a number of games (smite, dayz, amnesia) but whenever i do.. i get a really bad video blurryness where i cant see anything.. heres an example

Ive tried fixing the settings everyway i can and nothing :/. Can anyone help with a solution?


Active Member
Yep. And you aren't going to get decent picture quality at 768(p) at 60fps, with only 400kbps, on high-motion games like those.

Probably would need to run at least 3000kbps to get a decent image quality. Run the 6MB test on and post your results; this will give your real-world throughput available.

With only 400kbps, you'd probably need to both drop your FPS rate to 20-25, and downscale to 240p resolution to get any kind of passable-looking stream. Might swing 320p at 15-20fps though.


Community Helper
It's blurry because you are using a really really low bit rate. Run the upload test the FerretBomb recommended and post the results, and then we can determine what kind of quality you can stream at.