Question / Help Having issues with stuttering / not a smooth stream [LiveGam


New Member
I'm having problems with my stream beeing some what stuttery. It looks like it's not enough fps, or something along those lines. The game it self feels just about as smooth as when i'm not streaming and getting far enough fps.

I'm streaming from the same computer as i'm playing at with an avermedia live gamer HD.
Running it at 120hz


Log file

i7 3770 (non k)
GTX 680
16GB DDR3 1600Mhz
Intel 120GB SSD


Active Member
Re: Having issues with stuttering / not a smooth stream [Liv

Not seeing any kind of stutter issues in the video. Logfile looks good, with only 0.07% of frames lagged.
I'd try dropping the preset to Veryfast (ultrafast tends to look pretty bad; VF will give you better image clarity; the slower it goes, the more CPU is used, but the better the result looks).
With 3000kbps (and no dropped frames after all), you could probably bump up to 45-60fps to get more fluid motion.

I'd really recommend trying to use Game Capture (or Window Capture with Aero enabled) instead though, and not using the Avermedia card at all. They're comparable speeds (if not a bit better).

OBS can't use the onboard hardware encoding accel (only their software can, and it looks like crap anyway) and your CPU is already doing all of the encoding when you use OBS.
There's no real CPU offload, unless the Avermedia card is in a second machine dedicated for encoding/streaming, while you play the game on your primary system. Plus the Avermedia cards can introduce odd behaviours (color skew, capture rate issues) even if they're in a dedicated second streaming system.


Community Helper
Re: Having issues with stuttering / not a smooth stream [Liv

I don't see any issues with the video, either, for what it's worth.


New Member
Re: Having issues with stuttering / not a smooth stream [Liv

Thanks for the replies. It looks really bad ''live'' on my laptop (using it to see the chat) and i have been getting some complaints about the video beeing somewhat laggy. I'll check out the very fast preset and 45fps.
The reason why i use the avermedia is because i'm going to build a dedicated streaming PC. Thought it would be better then record/capture through software, since it has improved allot both in-game and on the stream from when i used Dxtory and OBS.

Maybe that video is a bad example.


Active Member
Re: Having issues with stuttering / not a smooth stream [Liv

When you build a second encoding machine? It'll be handy (though you will have other challenges to address, like getting mic audio to the encoding machine, if you want to use in-game VoIP... among others). But unless you're planning to stream from a console, having an Avermedia card in a single-system broadcasting setup will do exactly bupkis for you. Or make the performance worse. Do just use the built-in Game or Window capture mode. :) It'll work as well, if not better.


New Member
Re: Having issues with stuttering / not a smooth stream [Liv

Sorry for the late reply.
Yes, i am going to build a dedicated streaming PC. I'm only missing a few components, like a new headdset and soundcard. I'm well aware of what i have to do regarding the audio:)
Btw i tested the built-in game capture in OBS. When i first tried it it was lagging both in-game and on my stream. Today, however, it's just fine. Everythings smooth.

Thanks again for your help!:)