Question / Help game sound delay on local recording


New Member
so i thought that if i record my game window and mic at the same time i wouldn't have to fiddle with separete audio files and waveforms and volumes and stuff

so i started recording a game called ''the binding of isaac'' and my blue snowball mic at the same time within OBS
but it seeems the game audio falls behind about 1-2 seconds in relation to the gameplay on screen

my settings are :

version 0.552b

quality balance 10
max birate 1800 buffer 2000
audio encoding: aac bitrate: 256

resolution; 1280x720
FPS: 60
no downscale

in audio i left everything as is


multithreaded optimizations enabled
process priority normal
scene buffering time 400
x264 preset fast

CFR enabled

force desktop to use video timestamps as a bae for audio time disabled
global audio time offset 0
mic QPC timestamps disabled

auto low latency mode enabled
latency tuning factor 20

i did not touch noise gate at all

so does abyone know how to fix the delay?


Active Member
Microphones and webcams can have some delay inherent; USB-based microphones especially-so. Even worse if they're on the same USB host bus controller as your cam (if you use one); you'll need to use the Settings->Audio->Mic Time Offset (milliseconds) and test values to bring your mic back into sync.

The GAME audio falling behind is a separate thing. For that, Settings->Advanced->'Force Desktop Audio to use video timestamps as a base for audio time'. If it still isn't in-sync after enabling that (and testing!), you can use the Global Time Audio Offset to 'nudge' it around until it syncs up again. (I have to use this option or desktop audio desyncs for me as well, but with it enabled, it's spot-on.)


Town drunk
Hi, can you please post a log file? I want to make sure nothing is configured wrong, or you're getting other weird things going on. Instructions on how to do so are stickied at the top of every forum section.