Question / Help Freezes frame but audio continues


New Member
Whenever I try to record Overwatch it freezes on the first frame but then the audio continues, then it skips to the middle of the recording and freezes again, I've played around with the recording settings but it hasn't changed, it's just got slightly more frames but still very choppy recording. I have a friend running it at 1080p60 but has a computer that performs slower or around the same that mine does but can record well. Can anyone suggest what settings I should change? Thanks in advance :).

The log:


Forum Moderator
18:13:59: Total frames encoded: 1890, total frames duplicated: 1696 (89.74%)
18:13:59: Number of frames skipped due to encoder lag: 1152 (60.95%)

Both your CPU and GPU are maxing out. Use Quick Sync or NVENC to encode, enable vsync in your game, and turn the details down if your GPU can't maintain a steady 60 FPS.


Forum Moderator
You just need to use a higher bitrate. Also your performance is still abysmal -

12:29:42: Total frames encoded: 929, total frames duplicated: 614 (66.09%)
12:29:42: Total frames rendered: 339, number of late frames: 274 (80.83%) (it's okay for some frames to be late)

Try using OBS Studio and the recording quality presets there, and again make sure Overwatch isn't maxing out your GPU. If it is you need to turn down your game settings.