Bug Report Does OBS have issues with DX10 & 11?


New Member
So finally after reinstalling all my drivers and what-not, I can get OBS to stream and not crash. However, with games that give me an option for DX9 or DX10&11, the stream will only work if I select the DirectX 9 version of the game in full-screen. Windowed, it will work no matter what I select. But if I want to stream it fullscreen, it has to be using the DX9 version of the game.

Is this a known bug? Is there some sort of work-around? Or am I just doing something wrong?

I'm currently using the beta test 64-bit OBS and all my drivers are updated, including DirectX.


Does that happen with the official stable version? Because test versions are often unstable, thats why they are labled 'test'.


New Member
Civilisation V and Saints Row: The Third are the two that haven't worked so far. But I usually play other games windowed.

UPDATE: The Company of Heroes 2 beta also doesn't work.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
I can't seem to replicate the problem on my machine. Please post a log file if possible.


Town drunk
Hm, I am also unable to reproduce the issue with Civ 5, Game Capture works just fine even with DX10/11 mode. Have you tried using the Game Capture hotkey function? It seems to help with some capturing issues.