Hey guys,
I am playing CS:GO on a 4:3 stretched resolution (1600:1200) to 16:9. Everything is alright when I stream on 1920x1080 in OBS but my problem is that the quality is not the best so I tried to stream with 1280x720 in OBS, when I do that I can only see a little part of the game on Twitch ( here a screenshot of Twitch http://prntscr.com/7pu62v ), as you can see the crosshair is on the bottom right, but the quality is way better so my question is how can I get this fixed? :/
I am playing CS:GO on a 4:3 stretched resolution (1600:1200) to 16:9. Everything is alright when I stream on 1920x1080 in OBS but my problem is that the quality is not the best so I tried to stream with 1280x720 in OBS, when I do that I can only see a little part of the game on Twitch ( here a screenshot of Twitch http://prntscr.com/7pu62v ), as you can see the crosshair is on the bottom right, but the quality is way better so my question is how can I get this fixed? :/