Question / Help Can you record rather than stream?


New Member
I'm a disabled gamer who plays World of Warcraft and am constantly asked how do I play? (I am a c4/5 quad with very limited arm movement and no hand/finger control at all. My fingers don't fing as my mrs says) My connection won't take my raiding, the mrs raiding and a stream at the same time without serious lag, even at the lowest possible setting. I love this porogram though cause it is so easy to set up a game scene with a second scene in the corner showing me actually playing with my set-up. My question is can I use this program like fraps or is it just for live streaming? I'm totally new to this so forgive me if it is a basic knowledge question.


heros in an halfshel
If you wish to only record a video file rather than stream it to an RTMP server, you can select "File Output Only" from the list at the top of the Broadcast Settings section of the main OBS settings.

The recording will use the settings from the Video/Encoding settings, so you might want to bump up the bit rate a bit if you're only doing local recording.