Question / Help Best settings for a chess streamer?


New Member
I try to make it faster... so I found a list of options under "tune".
Would you recommend to choose one from there?

1900 bitrate, downscale to 1280x720, profile: main, ultrafast.
Intel i7 4500U.


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The "tune" option is an advanced option, I wouldn't recommend using it. It's mostly for non-live encoding purposes (except for a few options).

You shouldn't use ultrafast unless your CPU is slow. I'm not sure how fast that CPU is but if it's higher end then I'd recommend "veryfast".
I would agree with Jim, but he left out the main piece of advice: testing. :)

Starting from Ultrafast, try streaming at each setting, watching CPU utilization. You probably want to stop when you get to about 60-70% total utilization, and you'll want to stream for a few minutes while actually playing the game, as CPU encoding load varies based upon what's happening on screen. You probably won't need to go above medium, even if your CPU can handle it, though.