A scoreboard overlay to your live stream. You can create own themes for any games with simple html5/css3 files.

The development of this program is possible thanks to your donations. You give me motivation to continue developing and improving the functionality. I am grateful for any financial and informational support, it is very important and helps me a lot!

Step-by-step instructions for adding a scoreboard overlay to your live stream:

  • Remote Control
  • any number of players
  • ability to set a player photo and team flag
  • hotkeys
  • ability to change the order of players (sort ascending, sort descending, flip list)
  • save and restore groups of players
  • support countdown timer, stopwatch and system clock
  • elgato Stream Deck plugin





  • 01.png
    98.8 KB · Views: 9,451
  • 02.png
    139 KB · Views: 9,316
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First release
Last update
4.92 star(s) 12 ratings

Latest updates

  1. UI/UX update

    Improved and simplified user interface
  2. Remote control

    UI update Allow remote control (PC/Android/IPhone). Edit settings and set your IP address and...
  3. NEW elgato StreamDeck plugin

    Improved elgato Stream Deck plugin Show scores and player colors Increase scores with...

Latest reviews

Simply the best scoreboard ever made.

You can do it or have it anyway you could ever want if you know how.

Good with updates.

The creators happy to help with any questions or suggestions.

Highly recommend, you couldn't have 1 better.
I stream fighting games and this is amazing.

Is there a to use Vs to fill out a Top 8 bracket with names and score?
You can create Themes containing up to 1000 players.
I dont know how I missed this plugin for so long. I saw this thing and my mouth dropped. you really did a bang up job with this. I love the streamdeck plugin and how well you made it.

Additions, I would like to see streamdeck functions that will change the player grouping to make things go faster. But sir, Thank you so much for your efforts toward this. #GotsToBelieve
In the next version I planned to remake the remote access API, as well as add imroved hotkey management. Accordingly, the StreamDeck plugin can be improved and any command can be added simply through hotkeys.
Impressive. Miss a Landscape Format on my Tablet.
I need a more specific explanation of what exactly needs to be improved.
This is absolutely excellent and Deviaphan seem willing and able to help in anyway.
Nothing else comes close this scoreboard has it all!
Great solution for esports live broadcast! Simple, and you can customize it the way you want!
I've been using Scoreboard Edit 1.4 but I've moved to Versus as this is a more robust, up-to-date scoreboard program that I would definitely recommend to anyone.

The creator seems to be adding regular updates, so here's a list of changes/features that I would to see:

- The ability to customise the boards more within the programme. I was able to change the board colour and font to fit with my Twitch channel, but it involved altering files in NotePad and putting the board image into an image-editing programme and changing the colours there. Being able to do this within the programme would be much easier and less time consuming.

- The ability to trigger sounds when certain conditions are filled. I've been looking for a scoreboard program that will let me trigger custom sounds when someone 'scores', but no programs out there seem to allow that. Perhaps you could also trigger sounds when the last game is scored (e.g. in a Bo3, a sound would be played when the overall score hits 3)?
Thank you very much for your feedback!

- Design themes are a regular html file, this allows you to create absolutely any design, without the restrictions imposed by the program. When choosing between flexibility and ease of editing themes, I preferred flexibility. That is, creating a copy of the one of theme folder and editing the files is the right decision that you applied.

- The use of sounds is supported, but not by the program, but by themes! Because a theme is a normal html file, so you can use javascript to do all sorts of interesting things, including playing sounds. Check out the "Sound FX example" theme. In the theme "VS 1. Blue-Red (animated)" an example of animation when changing the score.

I tried to make themes as easy as possible for those who are not familiar with html to understand. It is enough to draw your pictures and correct the size and position of the elements to make your own unique design theme.

Important! Do not edit existing files, but create your own folder, otherwise the files will be replaced during the next update.
That is absolutly what i am looking for but undfortunatelly i need to be able to score 2 matches parallel. It is always "Team A vs. Team B". Once it is 1-0 we are switching to "Team B vs. Team C". With an confirmed Point (also 1-0), i need to switch back to Match "Team A vs. Team B" and so on... Is this updatable ? :)

So always 4 Teams Playing back-to-back in one Block.

i also need to be able to add Team Logos into my live stream. Any way to have all 20 Teamlogos in one folder and If a team calles "Team Alpha", i could choose the right logo?
Can you add more team up to 6 ore 10 for 1 screen
Love it, simple yet useful.
Best of all, Completely Customizable to your taste.
Thank you! With next version I will add hotkeys to change scores without alt+tab from the game.
4 stars? What I can improve? :)