OBS = obslua -- Script Metadata SCRIPT_NAME = "Toggle Scene Source" SCRIPT_AUTHOR = "BillyJBryant" SCRIPT_AUTHOR_URL = "https://github.com/billyjbryant" SCRIPT_VERSION = '0.0.3' SCRIPT_SOURCE_URL = "https://github.com/billyjbryant/obs-artifacts/blob/main/scripts/lua/toggle_scene_source.lua" SCRIPT_ISSUES_URL = "https://github.com/billyjbryant/obs-artifacts/issues" -- Establish Default Global Variables DEFAULT_SETTINGS = { scene = '', source = '', scene_item = '', delay = 5, duration = { show = 2, hide = 5 }, repeat_ = { times = 0, reset = true, reset_after = 60 }, transition = { override = false, hide = nil, hide_duration = 3, show = nil, show_duration = 3 }, start_visible = false, currently_visible = false } MY_SETTINGS = {} OBS_SETTINGS = nil SOURCE_LIST_VISIBLE = nil REPEATED = 0 DEBUG = false -- Setup the Script's Primary Functions function script_properties() props = OBS.obs_properties_create() -- Sets up the Source Selection Group local sprops = OBS.obs_properties_create() OBS.obs_properties_add_group(props, "source_group", "Source Selection", OBS.OBS_GROUP_NORMAL, sprops) local scene_list = OBS.obs_properties_add_list(sprops, "scene", "Scene", OBS.OBS_COMBO_TYPE_LIST, OBS.OBS_COMBO_FORMAT_STRING) local scenes = OBS.obs_frontend_get_scenes() if scenes ~= nil then OBS.obs_property_list_add_string(scene_list, "", nil) console.debug("Found the following Scenes: " .. dump(scenes)) for _, scene in ipairs(scenes) do local name = OBS.obs_source_get_name(scene) console.debug("Added Scene [" .. name .. "] to the Scene List") OBS.obs_property_list_add_string(scene_list, name, name) end OBS.source_list_release(scenes) end local source_list = OBS.obs_properties_add_list(sprops, "source_list", "Sources", OBS.OBS_COMBO_TYPE_LIST, OBS.OBS_COMBO_FORMAT_STRING) local source_field = OBS.obs_properties_add_text(sprops, "source", "Source", OBS.OBS_TEXT_DEFAULT) OBS.obs_properties_add_button(sprops, "refresh_sources", "Refresh list of Sources in Scene", function() get_sources_from_scene(props, scene_list, OBS_SETTINGS) return true end) OBS.obs_property_set_enabled(source_field, false) function source_list_visible() if MY_SETTINGS.source ~= nil and MY_SETTINGS.source ~= '' then return true else return false end end show_source_list(sprops, source_list_visible()) -- Sets up the Visibility & Timing Group local vprops = OBS.obs_properties_create() OBS.obs_properties_add_group(props, "visual_group", "Visibility and Timing", OBS.OBS_GROUP_NORMAL, vprops) OBS.obs_properties_add_float_slider(vprops, "delay", "Delay after Activating (seconds)", 0, 600, 0.5) OBS.obs_properties_add_float_slider(vprops, "duration_show", "Duration to Show (seconds)", 1, 1800, 0.5) OBS.obs_properties_add_float_slider(vprops, "duration_hide", "Duration to Hide (seconds)", 1, 1800, 0.5) OBS.obs_properties_add_bool(vprops, "start_visible", "Should the source be visible at start?") -- Sets up the Transition Override Group local tprops = OBS.obs_properties_create() local transition_group = OBS.obs_properties_add_group(props, "transition_group", "Transition Override", OBS.OBS_GROUP_NORMAL, tprops) local transition_override = OBS.obs_properties_add_bool(tprops, "transition_override", "Do you want to override the Source Transition?") local hide_list = OBS.obs_properties_add_list(tprops, "transition_hide", "Hide Transition", OBS.OBS_COMBO_TYPE_LIST, OBS.OBS_COMBO_FORMAT_STRING) OBS.obs_properties_add_float_slider(tprops, "transition_hide_duration", "Duration for Hide Effect (s)", 1, 10, 0.5) local show_list = OBS.obs_properties_add_list(tprops, "transition_show", "Show Transition", OBS.OBS_COMBO_TYPE_LIST, OBS.OBS_COMBO_FORMAT_STRING) OBS.obs_properties_add_float_slider(tprops, "transition_show_duration", "Duration for Show Effect (s)", 1, 10, 0.5) local transitions = OBS.obs_frontend_get_transitions() if transitions ~= nil then OBS.obs_property_list_add_string(hide_list, "", nil) OBS.obs_property_list_add_string(show_list, "", nil) console.debug("Found the following Transition Types: " .. dump(transitions)) for _, transition in ipairs(transitions) do local name = OBS.obs_source_get_name(transition) console.debug("Added Transition [" .. name .. "] to the Transition Lists") OBS.obs_property_list_add_string(hide_list, name, name) OBS.obs_property_list_add_string(show_list, name, name) end OBS.source_list_release(transitions) end OBS.obs_property_set_visible(transition_group, false) -- Sets up the Repeat Options Group local rprops = OBS.obs_properties_create() OBS.obs_properties_add_group(props, "repeat_group", "Repeat Options", OBS.OBS_GROUP_NORMAL, rprops) local repeat_times = OBS.obs_properties_add_int_slider(rprops, "repeat_times", "Number of Times to Repeat (0 = Infinite)", 0, 100, 1) local repeat_reset = OBS.obs_properties_add_bool(rprops, "repeat_reset", "Should we reset the cycle after a certain amount of time?") OBS.obs_properties_add_int_slider(rprops, "repeat_reset_after", "Maximum Duration Elapsed to Reset Repeat (minutes)", 1, 60, 1) -- Configures our modified callbacks OBS.obs_property_set_modified_callback(scene_list, get_sources_from_scene) OBS.obs_property_set_modified_callback(source_list, update_source_from_list) OBS.obs_property_set_modified_callback(transition_override, settings_updated) OBS.obs_property_set_modified_callback(repeat_times, settings_updated) OBS.obs_property_set_modified_callback(repeat_reset, settings_updated) -- Run some cleanup options when settings are updated settings_updated(props, nil, OBS_SETTINGS) return props end function script_description() local description = [[

]] .. SCRIPT_NAME .. [[

Allows cycling the visibility of a source within a specific scene at pre-set intervals.


  1. Choose the target Scene from the dropdown list
  2. Once the Scene has been selected, the Source list will populate, choose the desired Source
  3. Set the value for Delay after activating [Note: This is the amount of time (in milliseconds) after the scene is enabled to start the toggle]
  4. Set the value for Duration to Show [This is the amount of time in milliseconds the source is visible]
  5. Set the value for Duration to Hide [This is the amount of time in milliseconds the source is hidden]
  6. Set the value for Number of times to Repeat [A value of 0 is infinite, Max is 100]
  7. If using repeat settings
    1. Check whether or not the repeat cycle should be reset after a set amount of time elapses
      If this is unchecked, the cycle will not restart until the Scene is disabled/enabled or OBS is relaunched
    2. Set the Maximum Duration to wait after the last cycle has finished to reset the repeat counter
  8. Check whether source should be visible when scene becomes enabled (or at OBS Launch)

]] local metadata = [[


Name:]] .. SCRIPT_NAME .. [[
Version:]] .. SCRIPT_VERSION .. [[
Author:]] .. SCRIPT_AUTHOR .. [[
Source:]] .. SCRIPT_SOURCE_URL .. [[
To Report Issues with this script Click Here

]] return description .. metadata end function script_update(settings) MY_SETTINGS.scene = OBS.obs_data_get_string(settings, "scene") MY_SETTINGS.source = OBS.obs_data_get_string(settings, "source") MY_SETTINGS.delay = OBS.obs_data_get_int(settings, "delay") MY_SETTINGS.duration.show = OBS.obs_data_get_double(settings, "duration_show") MY_SETTINGS.duration.hide = OBS.obs_data_get_double(settings, "duration_hide") MY_SETTINGS.repeat_.times = OBS.obs_data_get_int(settings, "repeat_times") MY_SETTINGS.repeat_.reset = OBS.obs_data_get_bool(settings, "repeat_reset") MY_SETTINGS.repeat_.reset_after = OBS.obs_data_get_int(settings, "repeat_reset_after") MY_SETTINGS.start_visible = OBS.obs_data_get_bool(settings, "start_visible") MY_SETTINGS.transition.override = OBS.obs_data_get_bool(settings, "transition_override") MY_SETTINGS.transition.hide = OBS.obs_data_get_string(settings, "transition_hide") MY_SETTINGS.transition.hide_duration = OBS.obs_data_get_double(settings, "transition_hide_duration") MY_SETTINGS.transition.show = OBS.obs_data_get_string(settings, "transition_show") MY_SETTINGS.transition.show_duration = OBS.obs_data_get_double(settings, "transition_show_duration") OBS_SETTINGS = settings activate(true) end function script_defaults(settings) OBS.obs_data_set_default_string(settings, "scene", DEFAULT_SETTINGS.source) OBS.obs_data_set_default_string(settings, "source", DEFAULT_SETTINGS.source) OBS.obs_data_set_default_double(settings, "delay", DEFAULT_SETTINGS.delay) OBS.obs_data_set_default_double(settings, "duration_show", DEFAULT_SETTINGS.duration.show) OBS.obs_data_set_default_double(settings, "duration_hide", DEFAULT_SETTINGS.duration.hide) OBS.obs_data_set_default_int(settings, "repeat_times", DEFAULT_SETTINGS.repeat_.times) OBS.obs_data_set_default_bool(settings, "repeat_reset", DEFAULT_SETTINGS.repeat_.reset) OBS.obs_data_set_default_int(settings, "repeat_reset_after", DEFAULT_SETTINGS.repeat_.reset_after) OBS.obs_data_set_default_bool(settings, "start_visible", DEFAULT_SETTINGS.start_visible) OBS.obs_data_set_default_bool(settings, "transition_override", DEFAULT_SETTINGS.transition.override) OBS.obs_data_set_default_string(settings, "transition_hide", DEFAULT_SETTINGS.transition.hide) OBS.obs_data_set_default_double(settings, "transition_hide_duration", DEFAULT_SETTINGS.transition.hide_duration) OBS.obs_data_set_default_string(settings, "transition_show", DEFAULT_SETTINGS.transition.show) OBS.obs_data_set_default_double(settings, "transition_show_duration", DEFAULT_SETTINGS.transition.show_duration) MY_SETTINGS = DEFAULT_SETTINGS OBS_SETTINGS = settings end function script_load(settings) MY_SETTINGS = DEFAULT_SETTINGS OBS_SETTINGS = settings end function script_unload() end -- CORE FUNCTIONS [All of the functions defined to "do things" other than script management] --[[ Updates the Sources list from the Sources in the selected Scene param props: obs_properties_t param prop: obs_property_t param settings: obs_data_t returns boolean ]] function get_sources_from_scene(props, prop, settings) local scene_name = OBS.obs_data_get_string(settings, "scene") local source_list = OBS.obs_properties_get(props, "source_list") OBS.obs_property_list_clear(source_list) if scene_name ~= "" and scene_name ~= nil then console.debug("Scene Name was set to [" .. scene_name .. "]") local scene = get_scene_by_name(scene_name) local scene_items = OBS.obs_scene_enum_items(scene) console.debug("Found the following SceneItems: " .. dump(scene_items)) if scene_items ~= nil then OBS.obs_property_list_add_string(source_list, "", nil) for _, scene_item in ipairs(scene_items) do local source = OBS.obs_sceneitem_get_source(scene_item) local name = OBS.obs_source_get_name(source) OBS.obs_property_list_add_string(source_list, name, name) console.debug("Added Source [" .. name .. "] to the Source List") end show_source_list(props, true) end OBS.sceneitem_list_release(scene_items) end return true end --[[ Updates the source to the selected source in the sources list param props: obs_properties_t param prop: obs_property_t param settings: obs_data_t returns boolean ]] function update_source_from_list(props, prop, settings) local stored_source = MY_SETTINGS.source local source_updated_to = OBS.obs_data_get_string(settings, "source_list") console.debug(stored_source .. ' - ' .. source_updated_to) if source_updated_to ~= nil and source_updated_to ~= "" then if (stored_source == source_updated_to) and (stored_source ~= "" and stored_source ~= nil) then console.debug("Nothing changed, so we are hiding the source list") show_source_list(props, false) activate(true) return true else local scene_name = OBS.obs_data_get_string(settings, "scene") local scene_item = get_sceneitem_by_name(scene_name, source_updated_to) console.debug("Source updated from [" .. stored_source .. "] to [" .. source_updated_to .. "]") OBS.obs_data_set_string(settings, "source", source_updated_to) show_source_list(props, false) MY_SETTINGS.source = source_updated_to MY_SETTINGS.scene_item = scene_item activate(true) return true end console.error("Something happened, we shouldn't be here, RUN AWAY!" .. "\nError in function update_source_from_list(props, prop, settings)") return nil else return false end end --[[ Toggles the configured source with an optional parameter to force visibility param hidden boolean returns boolean ]] function toggle_source(hidden) local scene_item = get_sceneitem_by_name(MY_SETTINGS.scene, MY_SETTINGS.source) if scene_item ~= nil then local is_visible = OBS.obs_sceneitem_visible(scene_item) if hidden ~= nil then is_visible = not hidden end OBS.obs_sceneitem_set_visible(scene_item, not is_visible) console.debug(MY_SETTINGS.scene .. ":" .. MY_SETTINGS.source .. " is now visible: " .. dump(not is_visible)) return not is_visible end return nil end function settings_updated(props, prop, settings) console.debug("The settings have been updated..") local rprops = OBS.obs_properties_get(props, "repeat_group") rprops = OBS.obs_property_group_content(rprops) local repeat_enabled = MY_SETTINGS.repeat_.times ~= 0 OBS.obs_property_set_visible( OBS.obs_properties_get(rprops, "repeat_reset"), repeat_enabled) OBS.obs_property_set_visible(OBS.obs_properties_get(rprops, "repeat_reset_after"), (repeat_enabled and MY_SETTINGS.repeat_.reset)) local tprops = OBS.obs_properties_get(props, "transition_group") tprops = OBS.obs_property_group_content(tprops) OBS.obs_property_set_visible(OBS.obs_properties_get(tprops, "transition_hide"), MY_SETTINGS.transition.override) OBS.obs_property_set_visible(OBS.obs_properties_get(tprops, "transition_hide_duration"), MY_SETTINGS.transition.override) OBS.obs_property_set_visible(OBS.obs_properties_get(tprops, "transition_show"), MY_SETTINGS.transition.override) OBS.obs_property_set_visible(OBS.obs_properties_get(tprops, "transition_show_duration"), MY_SETTINGS.transition.override) activate(true) return true end function create_timer(target, delay) local timer = OBS.timer_add(target, delay) console.debug("Created timer [".. dump(timer) .. "] for " .. delay .. " milliseconds") return timer end -- Handles the repeat cycles function repeat_source() local scene_item = get_sceneitem_by_name(MY_SETTINGS.scene, MY_SETTINGS.source) local is_visible if scene_item ~= nil then is_visible = toggle_source() end if MY_SETTINGS.repeat_.times == 0 or REPEATED < MY_SETTINGS.repeat_.times then OBS.timer_remove(repeat_source) if is_visible then timer = MY_SETTINGS.duration.show else timer = MY_SETTINGS.duration.hide end create_timer(repeat_source, toMilliseconds(timer)) REPEATED = REPEATED + 1 else OBS.timer_remove(repeat_source) toggle_source(false) if MY_SETTINGS.repeat_.reset then create_timer(reset_repeats, minutesToMs(MY_SETTINGS.repeat_.reset_after)) end end end -- Resets the number of times we have repeated function reset_repeats() if MY_SETTINGS.repeat_.reset then local REPEATED_old = REPEATED REPEATED = 0 console.debug("Reset repeated counter to 0") OBS.timer_remove(reset_repeats) repeat_source() end end -- This is the first event, sets up the repeat timer and does the first toggle function start_timer() local scene_item = get_sceneitem_by_name(MY_SETTINGS.scene, MY_SETTINGS.source) local is_visible = MY_SETTINGS.start_visible local timer = nil if scene_item ~= nil then toggle_source(is_visible) if is_visible then timer = MY_SETTINGS.duration.show else timer = MY_SETTINGS.duration.hide end create_timer(repeat_source, toMilliseconds(timer)) end OBS.timer_remove(start_timer) end -- Activates the script after a settings update, takes a boolean of true/false function activate(activating) OBS.timer_remove(start_timer) OBS.timer_remove(repeat_source) OBS.timer_remove(reset_repeats) if activating then local scene_item = get_sceneitem_by_name(MY_SETTINGS.scene, MY_SETTINGS.source) if scene_item ~= nil then if MY_SETTINGS.delay ~= 0 then create_timer(start_timer, toMilliseconds(MY_SETTINGS.delay)) else start_timer() end else return end end end -- HELPER FUNCTIONS [Functions which are used to supliment the Core functions] --[[ Toggles to show the Source List, Source Field and Refresh Button param props: type obs_properties_t param visible: type boolean returns boolean ]] function show_source_list(props, visible) local source_list = OBS.obs_properties_get(props, "source_list") local source_field = OBS.obs_properties_get(props, "source") local source_button = OBS.obs_properties_get(props, "refresh_sources") OBS.obs_property_set_visible(source_list, visible) OBS.obs_property_set_visible(source_field, not visible) OBS.obs_property_set_visible(source_button, not visible) return true end --[[ Returns obs_scene_t from given Scene Name param scene_name: type string returns obs_scene_t ]] function get_scene_by_name(scene_name) local scene_source = OBS.obs_get_source_by_name(scene_name) local scene_context = OBS.obs_scene_from_source(scene_source) OBS.obs_source_release(scene_source) return scene_context end --[[ Returns obs_sceneitem_t from given Scene Name & Source Name param scene_name: type string param source_name: type string returns obs_sceneitem_t ]] function get_sceneitem_by_name(scene_name, source_name) local scene = get_scene_by_name(scene_name) local source = OBS.obs_get_source_by_name(source_name) local scene_item = OBS.obs_scene_sceneitem_from_source(scene, source) OBS.obs_source_release(source) return scene_item end -- Dumps Input to String, if input is a table it returns the expanded table function dump(o) if type(o) == 'table' then local s = '{ ' for k,v in pairs(o) do if type(k) ~= 'number' then k = '"'..k..'"' end s = s .. '['..k..'] = ' .. dump(v) .. ',' end return s .. '} ' else return tostring(o) end end console = { log = function (message) print(message) end, debug = function (message) if DEBUG then print("[DEBUG] " .. message) end end, error = function (message) print("[ERROR] " .. message) end } -- [[ These two functions are to save loading an un-necessary library ]] -- Converts Milliseconds to Seconds function toSeconds(ms) return (ms/1000)%60 end -- Converts Seconds to Milliseconds function toMilliseconds(s) return s*1000 end -- Converts Minutes to Milliseconds function minutesToMS(m) return (m*60)*1000 end