StreamBud, the automated Twitch chat moderator

Free StreamBud, the automated Twitch chat moderator 0.15.1

Hey! I wanted to share my project for Twitch streamers. It is something I have been working on and still am developing new features in it. The StreamBud. It is a combination of automated channel moderators out there. There is a coinbot, link punisher, welcome messages, ranking, auto timeouts and much, much more. Oh, and did I mentioned - your own custom bot name? Also, since last update- integration to streamtip!

The project started as a simple scripting engine. Most of plugins are still written in JavaScript but as community asked I have been rewriting them into the core and give them better settings management. So, if you are familiar with JavaScript the API is open and basic triggers and calls are described at website

The project is written in Java (so JVM must be installed, but that is easy- as it first was meant to have server side only but then we thought to rewrite it as a client, so everyone can have their own experience nad more personal use.

The old version contained support to OBS browser as a overlay but as it was for end users hard to manage it is removed for time being and is under heavy construction.

Basuc features:
  • see chat, viewers, all users, all twitch events (in chat you can click names and links);
  • change stream status, game name;
  • events: join, part, follow, unfollow, donation hosts, etc..;
  • messages: welcome, follow, donation, hosting - all highly customizable and permission based;
  • auto moderate: links, caps locks, spams etc...
  • one click user moderate;
  • add/remove custom commands, manage timer based messages;
  • tag your viewers to add/remove features;
  • comes with streamtip donation plugin;
  • rock, paper, scissors - viewers can play against the computer;
  • auto update
The list might get too long, See for more features or download and try out yourself.

The project is in alpha status as our team is small, so release cycle is about a month in between we are trying to fix the bugs (yes ,there are those). Also a lot may and will change as we are still learning and trying to find the best way to keep an eye on the stream.
  • main_screenshot.png
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Dust In Est
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Latest updates

  1. Bugfixes, optimizations and links

    The amount of requests StreamBud makes has been bothered me for a long time. Now I made a small...
  2. Dark UI, more functionality

    highlights: Darker UI Browser based chat overlay Startup warning for bot privileges Reduced...