
spectralizer v1.3.4

Searched for something like this for ages just to find out it's been a thing since 2019, awesome! I can finally replace my unreliable HTML Browser Visualizer :D
Doesn't work on any sort of incoming signal, only VLC and other media, so I have to give this the lowest rating. No fix on the github, can't use the app as intended. Please remove features that don't work.
I'm not going to remove a feature just because it didn't work for you
Thx, that's good plugin for broadcasts. =)
cant get audio to actually work. it was hell installing the plugin, but i finally figured it out. i inserted the plugin, and it actually loaded, but it wont sync with any of the audio, it does nothing for me. just sits there with nothing happening. i wont give a bad review though, since ive seen lots of cool things done with this plugin, if i could get some help on it though, that would be great!
I'll need a log file to help you
Fantastic plugin. Looks amazing and easy to use! Didn't work with the ASIO Plugin, but I found out I didn't need the ASIO anymore.
Yeah I heard that ASIO isn't working. I'm trying to look into it, but since I'm not using it myself I've been putting it off
Love it
Works as intended! Only problem is that you can't flip the spectralizer. not vertical and not horizontal. and there Ain't much options to customize your spectralizer, would've been cool if there were more options to change your look of the bar to a line or to a Wave. other than that this plugin is great!
You can flip any source in obs you can even rotate them, there's no need for a separate option
Was looking for a way to get a visualizer and this fit right in. Easy to set up, a few simple but nice settings and didn't really notice any performance issues.

If I'd have to leave one critique: Would have liked that the visualization looked more like how it does on the Monstercat Visualizer for Rainmeter. To me, that one seems to represent the sound better.
I use the Rainmeter one at 96 bars. Tried the same with the plugin, and they look very different in how it represents.
Apart from that, Thanks for making this! :D
Yeah, the rainmeter visualizer seems to do some filtering. I'll maybe try and get it into spectralizer, but I can't promise anything.
I've been using this plugin for a while, and I am very satisfied with how easily it integrates with my workflow. No apparent performance issues as of now.

Something that I would like to see added in future releases is the option to only display a certain frequency range determined by the user. In my use case, I use it to visualize audio from Spotify - but I would only like the low frequencies to be shown.

Thank you!
It doesn't show up as source in my obs studio even though I dowloaded it.

I put the extracted folder in the plugin folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\obs-studio\obs-plugins\64bit) Did I do anything wrong? I am using OBS 21.1.0
If you carefully read the resource page it says that you need at least obs 24.0.0, your version is almost two years out of date
I love the app! Works well with different OBS filters like opacity.
Only issue I've noticed is that after a signal source has been quiet for a few moments, the bars come to life again acting like there is a signal present. Is this an intended feature?
It's auto adjusting the scale, which you can disable. It's intended to make sure that loud audio gets represented in the same way as quiet audio, but it'll over amplify if you feed it very quiet audio for too long, so either use a noise gate or disable the option
Followed instructions - installed fftw over brew etc. made a folder and put in bin and data -but I'm still not seeing Spectralizer in OBS sources. Does it work with Mac os !0.12.1? or do I need to update my OS?really hope i can get this working - being wanting it for a long time and so excited its now available for Mac!
I need the obs log, otherwise I can't help you. I also don't know if it works with 10.12 as I only have 10.15 and only have tested it with Catalina
Fantastic upgrade to spectralizer, which was great...
fantastic plugin! i can't seem to get it working with my asio mic but otherwise its working fine
I would really like a way to limit a range of volume for the visualizer to work with, such as a certain number of decibels.
I'm having trouble using the spectralizer as a dock item, since I don't want the spectrum view to appear in the video. I'm in the middle of archiving VHS tapes, so would it be possible to use spectralizer as a dock item next to the preview video?
The best. I have been using for months.
I like the new line option. New problem though: when selecting custom line thickness and then clicking on the input box to adjust the line thickness, obs will immediately hang. If you adjust the line thickness by using the up/down arrow indicators to the left of the input box it doesn't hang and works fine...
thanks for the most recent update! i thought the filters issues was just me
I just downloaded the plugin and i was about to use it but it doesn't appear in obs 25.0.1 ,i don't know why i followed the instructions
Did you download the actual plugin or just the source code?
Great Plugin!

---> FOR PEOPLE HAVING PROBLEMS, LOOK FOR "audio visualizer" SOURCE, NOT "spectralizer" <---

I was confused for a long time about why is wasn't showing up, but i just didn't know what I was looking for. Works amazingly well once you find it!
